Businesses have until April 15, 2024, to file amended returns for Q2, Q3, and Q4 of 2020, and until April 15, 2025, to file amended returns for the quarters in 2021 in which they were eligible to claim the ERC.

RPS Training Course Live Training Sessions March 28, 2023

RPS Training Course Live Training Sessions March 28, 2023

(Raw transcription; not proofed for grammar or spelling.)
Click here for Google Doc of the transcript.

00:00:03 Brian Anderson: What’s happening? What’s happening? Hope you’re excited. I’m always excited. Let me switch my.

00:00:12 Nicole Heard: Name.

00:00:13 Brian Anderson: Hey, Nicole, what’s going on?

00:00:16 Nicole Heard: There’s nothing much. Good morning, everybody.

00:00:20 Brian Anderson: Hey Nicole, I was reading in the, I was reading in the Facebook group just now. They’re asking about how to pull a payroll journal from QuickBooks. I don’t know that our support people know how to do all that, do we? No, they if the client has issues with their payroll journal, the AES helped them with that, OK.

00:00:45 Nicole Heard: Yeah, they have, actually. I know for a fact they have instructions on how to get it out of QuickBooks. They just have.

00:00:50 Brian Anderson: To the the.

00:00:52 Nicole Heard: Client has to contact their AES so they can get assistance with it.

00:01:00 Brian Anderson: She was Michael Michael Ferraro. I want to make sure I understand he’s not on here. Make sure I understood his question correctly because he’s like he made a comment that support failed here. I just wanted, I just want everybody to be you know, clear on on what to expect and what we’re we’re live by the way but I just want to be clear with everybody on what to expect and and where where to go to get the help they need.

00:01:28 Nicole Heard: But yeah, absolutely, because we have a we have a yeah, we have a a list or a response that we send out for people that don’t know what support is. But if anyone has any questions, like we don’t do what the a E’s do, we don’t do what the Cpa’s do. So the support team basically is here to help you with deals that have issues. They’re stuck. They have need specialized attention like I posted in Facebook. They have Spanish speaking clients. We are just here like literally like liaisons to facilitate. We can’t help you with how to get started. We can’t advise you on what to put on your business card or you know. Things of that nature, we don’t have any control over the IRS. We’re just here basically to facilitate your deal with the AES with the Cpas if they’re hung up and in the closing department to let you know where it is. Outside of that, they have other people that do those other jobs. We can help with lost username and password if you were unregistered for the training and you need to get back in. It’s really it’s account specific. Technical Support not instruction and not deal intervention, just communication keeping you running like a maintenance mechanic, right?

00:03:06 Brian Anderson: Yeah, even though the agent’s not here, what should they do? Put a note? Can they put a note in the portal to the AE?

00:03:13 Nicole Heard: No, no, no, no. If they need to communicate with the A, we keep our a E’s completely insulated from agents. Their focus is on.

00:03:22 Brian Anderson: Well, don’t think they’re not calling them, because I get a E’s calling them constantly, every day, just so you know.

00:03:27 Nicole Heard: Yeah, we’re not supposed to.

00:03:31 Brian Anderson: The people on this call are doing it, but a lot of the, you know, field agents coming in are calling the a E’s just to be transparent.

00:03:39 Nicole Heard: Yeah. Well, I think they’re calling the main number, said. I’m sorry, Vanessa, they’re calling the main number on the line and they’re getting either lovely Olivia and leaving messages because they want to talk to somebody. But I’ve already instructed them, your response to that. If it’s an agent, tell them to submit a ticket.

00:03:58 Brian Anderson: Yeah, that’s what I’ve been telling them too. So right now, so this guy has and he’s not on the call, but he has a issue where the customer cannot pull the payroll journal. What? What should be their process? What? What would be the correct thing for him to do?

00:04:16 Nicole Heard: The customer needs to contact his AE. His AE will go through with him or his accountant if whoever.

00:04:23 Brian Anderson: Access ohh the client. The client can agent needs to tell the client.

00:04:27 Nicole Heard: Yeah, the right. The agent can’t facilitate that, right. I I I think it’s really important that we.

00:04:36 Vanessa Roberts: That all agents understand that building their account executive up as the authority, as the primary contact if they need help, that’s who they should be trusting. And if there’s ever an issue that the account executive and the client aren’t connecting, maybe the the customers saying to you, oh, my account executive didn’t call me back or I left a message and I sent an e-mail and I haven’t heard from them at that point. That’s where our support team can intervene on your and your customers behalf because if you let us know that somebody’s trying to talk to an AE and for whatever reason that AE hasn’t responded, maybe they were out sick that day, right. We are going to immediately you know we’re we’re going to update the portal that you’ve reached out and that comment alerts the AE that everyone in this company knows that that AE needs to call that person, right and you’ll be able to see that comment. Transparently in the portal, we will Slack, e-mail, phone call, we will make sure that the AE takes action.

00:05:36 Brian Anderson: Just to be clear, I see the Ae’s walking people how to get their payroll journal all the time. They even do. They’ll even do shared screens and show them sometimes. Like they’re constantly yeah, yeah, yeah. OK. I I just wanted to be completely transparent on that because I’m sure if one person has the question even though they’re not on the training, which is typical, but if one person has that question, then maybe a couple others might have that question. And I wanted to, to get all these agents, they answer to that in case they ran into the same kind of question. So that’s all.

00:06:09 Nicole Heard: Absolutely.

00:06:10 Brian Anderson: Awesome. All right, well, hey, let’s, let’s keep moving. But you should have told me about the pit wipers. I wouldn’t have given them all out if I’d have known you. Your girl named Vanessa.

00:06:21 Vanessa Roberts:Yeah, the next contact I.

00:06:22 Brian Anderson: Gave them all of my cousins.

00:06:25 Vanessa Roberts: I tell you what, the next time there’s a contest like that, I’m going to come down to Tampa and start closing some files.

00:06:29 Brian Anderson: That’s what I’m talking about. I know those are popular with the with the baseball and softball really popular. So. So we’re we’re here today. I wanted to talk to you a little bit about like getting the most out of what you’re doing. Tell me real quick by the by the show, we’re going to do numbers. Are you doing pit Vipers or sunglasses, Doug? They’re, they’re they’re like these sunglasses that are flat on top so you can wear your hat down on them. They’re just very. Hey, there’s Michael right there. He just showed up. We just talked about all of your. About your one question, I have a problem now. Accountant ask me how to run a payroll. We just talked about this, Michael. We were talking about it. You might have showed up a minute late. I guess the AE won’t give it to me from QB. Explain what you’re talking about.

00:07:26 Vanessa Roberts: Michael, are you saying that the AE won’t give it to you as an agent or are you saying that the AE is not helping your customer? With information and training on how to pull the payroll journal? OK, yeah, Michael says. I understand. I’m going to send the AE the accountant’s info. OK, so you don’t need to communicate with the AE, right? Your customer needs to contact, be in contact with the AE, OK. Yep, we can get them those instructions for sure.

00:08:08 Brian Anderson: Right. But but just just to clarify Michael that this is not our support, Nicole, our support. I saw your comment and maybe I read it wrong, but you said support you felt like support let you down this, our support doesn’t do this part. Just so you know we’re trying to keep everybody kind of focused on on the process here and yes, the a E wants to talk to the accountant.

00:08:40 Vanessa Roberts: Right, so Bruce asks, I have a client who according to the portal is dead. How do I revive it if the file?

00:08:48 Brian Anderson: Get them to say I want to do business because the only reason why it moves the debt is because they’ve been asked not to be contacted anymore or they’ve expressed a statement that says that they’re not no longer want to move forward. The accountant is not going to teach people how to use QuickBooks, Michael, just to be clear. But our a E’s are totally prepared to do it.

00:09:26 Vanessa Roberts: Paul asks, is there an estimate of time from the standard CPA review to finishing up? So Paula, do you mean by we submit the file to the accounting teams, how long until it goes into the closing department? On a standard file with no complexities or a need to get additional documentation, usually 10 to 12 days is the time from intake with the CPA teams to the power of 3 file production. Then we have the revision, I’m sorry the review period for quality control and then it comes out to the closing department for the the Congrats calls to take place. Is access available for the new website design? We are rolling out a self-service implementation tool that’s going to be in your agent portal on the Domain Manager tab which will allow you to create unlimited new lead capture sites. You will be able to register new sites for your sub agents. Right there on the same portal you’ll have complete control and management of all of your domains. That interface I would love to say tomorrow, but I’ve said tomorrow so many times that I’m crying wolf because of the infrastructure of tracking deals through your subagents, portal creation for subagents, etcetera. For these landing pages, it is more complex than just popping out a new website for you, so.

00:11:14 Vanessa Roberts:ASAP the delivery is imminent, but I’m not going to put a date on it. We’re just going to get to you as absolutely quickly as possible. Bambi asks, does ERTC send out 1090 nines for our sub agents? Yes, if you are using ERTC Express to pay your sub agents and you’re not paying them directly. Of course, if we are sending the payment, then we are handling the 1090 nines for you. Let’s see, Bruce, I don’t understand this whole question. Can they put in their documents and get the portal working? I’m just gonna need some more contacts. I’m sure you were asking a question in relation to a conversation we were having that I don’t know what you’re referring to. Let’s see. Michael Farrow, yes, you’re absolutely right. The A E wants to talk to the customer directly. That is the relationship. The customer of ERTC Express works with the account executive to complete the application and provide the documents. So yes, the A E will request to speak to the customer directly if you want to have the CPA on a conference call. The the the customer can initiate that communication, but for your customers privacy and protection, we will not discuss their private business without very explicit authorization from the customer. So Phil asks Will we receive an e-mail letting us know the new website is ready? Yes absolutely we will make.

00:13:06 Vanessa Roberts: Sure, everybody is aware. I will send multiple emails and post in the Facebook group and we’ll talk about it here on the call. So everyone knows that they can jump in and make their own site. But you can also check inside the portal on the Domain Manager tab and you’ll you’ll see it there when it’s live. But I will proactively be reaching out for sure. And asks, is the customer given the a E’s phone number as well as e-mail? Yes. So the account executive, the A E is the Ertc Express expert employee who’s making the welcome call to your client? OK, the customer gets a text message introducing themselves, a phone call, welcome phone call and an e-mail. All three of those avenues of contact communicate. Back to the customer, the contact information is a direct phone number, it is a direct e-mail, and there are places to communicate with the AE inside the portal, on the document notes, etc. So the customer should have every means of communication open to them. For the AE, that’s the top priority. In E RTC Express is the open lines of communication with customer and exam. Account executive.

00:14:31 Brian Anderson: Because realize the AE not only calls them, they also text them and they e-mail them. They use all three lines of communication every single time.

00:14:43 Nicole Heard: Hey guys, I’m coming in on this from the ticket desk side because these agents are in this call now. So I have a ticket from Christy and this is one that. Would be one of those things that the support desk doesn’t necessarily handle, but she’s asking about price matching. She wants to know if the portal can reflect the price match. Documents have been received and forwarded to ERTC for their decision. This again, is not a support question, but I wanted to answer it live since she’s here and then she can hear your expertise on that.

00:15:28 Vanessa Roberts: Vanessa and said I don’t know what Christie means by price match documentation.

00:15:38 Brian Anderson: Price matching is where if they’ve been quoted, a lower price from one of our defenders will price match it. We we launched this like 3 months ago, and yes, we will price match if it’s apples to apples. In most cases it’s apples to oranges. If they’re just doing an income loss revenue and they’re getting quoted 10%, we’re not going to match that. I’m just going to tell you we’re not because that’s not what we do, that’s not what we do. So as long as the customer understands that and and if we’re going to get the competitor that’s doing a full CPA and legal audit like for your for the calculation, then we’ll match it. If it’s not, we’re not going to match the lowball. Companies out there that are doing less work, we we can’t match it and we’re not going to. I’ve shared this in the past, we’re not going to do a a week submission on their one chance to actually get a submission right. You can’t amend amends. So we’re not going to do a a week revenue loss submission just to to be able to match a 10% quote for instance, right so. But we will, we will price match if they’ve been quoted from another company and they’re not already signed our CSA. Does that make sense?

00:17:00 Nicole Heard: Yes, and thank you. Thank you. Yes, ma’am, Melissa is asking about peo’s. I just received this e-mail from a potential client. My payroll company is saying I have to go through them.

00:17:15 Vanessa Roberts: Says they are APEO and they do the payroll. Do you know anything about this? Yes, Melissa, you do not have to go through them. ERTC Express does provide the service of calculating your tax refund for ERTC. Even if you go through APEO, they cannot require you to go through them. There are. There’s usually paperwork involved where they have specific forms. That our CPA’s can complete for them. We do the calculation the same way. They have to provide information about the amount your customer has paid them because they are paying the taxes, they are paying the payroll taxes and the payroll. The PEO is just kind of a a conduit, you know, to handle all the paperwork, make keep it easy for the company. So it is. It does have added complications. We are prepared to facilitate and work with the customer and provide the PEO, the documentation they need. But the customer has to understand that they are able to put their foot down and say I don’t want to go through you for this service, I want to go through ERTC Express.

00:18:43 Brian Anderson: It’s a payroll company. John PEO is a payroll.

00:18:49 Vanessa Roberts:Private employee organization, it’s kind of like a temp service. You’re just leasing employees through them and they’re doing paperwork, but you are responsible for, if you hire PEO, you’re responsible for all the taxes, etcetera. Brandon’s asking about lockbox procedure if a customer hasn’t signed the docs yet and the 941. Have been submitted. What happens if the IRS pays out before the customer signed up for Excela? I think there’s some confusion in the the sequence of events here. The way our system is set up, we establish the lock box. There’s not a file, 940 ones. Than paperwork to sign situation. But we established a lock box before the 940 ones are filed. So if in the event of any confusion and sometimes the confusion is just the IRS goofs, I mean it’s a it is a huge administrative company, right? So sometimes they make mistakes in any event. That a check is sent to the business when any portion of their fee is deferred. We do track that. We track through the IRS when checks are sent. We then can coordinate with our lock box and ensure that the checks were received and our fee is being paid or if the lock box does not, the lock box company doesn’t receive the check. We know that it was issued. We still have a legally binding agreement that they have agreed to pay the fee from the deferred funds and we have a system in place to invoice them directly so.

00:20:31 Vanessa Roberts:The bases are covered, yeah.

00:20:34 Brian Anderson: And just just to be transparent on this whole thing, we did have a block of of clients they got submitted or some got held up, but are submitted that were part of the Nashville debacle and and now we’re having to go back and and actually collect the Acela docs. I think that’s what Brandon’s talking about, just so you know, Vanessa.

00:20:59 Vanessa Roberts: Yeah, I’m I’m reading this question, Brenda, if you’ll send a a message we can case by case, we can talk about it like directly, privately. I I’d have to look. But regardless if we’ve got a signed service agreement we have you know the the policies and procedures are in place to get it taken care of. Of course everything goes more smoothly when the lock boxes.

00:21:24 Brian Anderson: But we we we do have a block of deals. They got a little screwed up where some were submitted or some got kind of where they didn’t do the right lock box properly, and we’re correcting it now. They we’ve got a guy down here that’s absolutely awesome. His name’s Tom. We call him the doc. He’s a he’s got a PhD, the guy’s highly educated, and he’s managing it with Vanessa and everybody else. The closing department and we’re totally getting everything back up, so yeah.

00:21:52 Vanessa Roberts: They’re rocking and rolling contract.

00:21:54 Brian Anderson: But there was a block of deals. Not many, but they one could possibly be one of y’all’s deals that didn’t get the lock lock set up properly. So that’s all.

00:22:05 Vanessa Roberts:Yep. Melissa asks another question. One of my deals that’s already been paid in full upfront for a month or longer now still shows 98% in the portal. So that’s a really great question. And I. That 98% doesn’t refer to the the overall process of your deal. That is how many questions in the application have been answered, just the questions right? This is for our internal processing so they know how far along an applicant applicant’s question is while they’re working through the document collection. So that is not relevant to. Zero percent is lead intake and 100% is you’ve been paid your Commission. It is just a gauge to see how far into the application, how engaged and actively participating in the process the the customer is. And some questions aren’t required so it’ll never hit 100% if they skipped an unrequired question. If Excella is texting the client, does that indicate the funds have been received? It depends on what the text is. Christy, when the funds are received, we get notification that the fee is being paid and then you are notified that your Commission is due. So when you get that e-mail from us that we have received funds, it means that the funds have been received.

00:23:33 Vanessa Roberts: Ron Olson asks can we have a sample of the lock box docs and 2848 that is sent to the client. The 2848 is a standard IRS form. You can Google it, it’s in the service agreement. It’s sent out first. The lock box docs. No. At this time we do not have sample lock box docs shared publicly if they have questions about. Information on those docs. We do have our account executives trained to help walk them through all of that information. If you have specific questions that we can help you with, Ron, you can let us know because we would like to educate you and help facilitate if the customer is coming to you directly. But again, the more you establish your account executives as the authority and the contact for these questions. The more seamless the process will be for the customer when they know that that is who they should go to after they get started. Meliss, I’m very glad you received your payment. Excellent. Congratulations.

00:24:41 Brian Anderson: Very cool. All right. Any other, any other questions? I know if you, if you have a question burning you up right now, ask now forever hold your peace and then we’ll start talking a little bit about sales training, which is what the call is designed for. But I know if you have if you have any questions, it’s important to get them answered. I like to be 100% transparent as possible, especially when I have all the support people with me because I know, I know what it’s like to to be out there talking to customers and if you have questions it’s hard, right?

00:25:19 Vanessa Roberts: OK, so Chrissy asked, client is concerned about Excela contract. Do AES have trading in Excela once a file goes to QC? The I’m trying to figure out.

00:25:36 Brian Anderson: They don’t talk about the closing team does, just so you know. Yeah.

00:25:39 Vanessa Roberts: Yeah, there’s no excela information or documentation or anything required while the file is with the account executive. Okay, it’s just, but you have to the the documents that the client has to fill out while it’s in the processing stage are. Details about who owns the company, it’s called beneficial owner, right? So anyone who owns a portion of the company has to give their personal address birthday, because we have to know the people who own the company to make sure that we have authority to issue this credit to these people, right? There’s nothing about Excela discussed in the file processing stage, so it wouldn’t be an A E question. Donna, we talked about the website earlier in the call. So we’re not going to go over it again, but we do. We will have this replay for you.

00:26:42 Brian Anderson: Excel is the lock box company, Nikki.

00:26:44 Vanessa Roberts: Yeah, who gives the client the news about their refund amount? The AE or someone from the closing department? We call them the congratulations team. It is a team that is trained specifically on delivering the information about their refund, reviewing their payment options based on their service agreement and answering any questions they have about how they get their refund, how the fee is paid, how the funds are dispersed. So they are a specialized team and it and like I said, we call them the Congrats team. They’ve got the best job in this. In this company, they come true all day, every day. Yep.

00:27:32 Brian Anderson: Yeah, they walk around so happy all the time. No stress whatsoever. They’re like Oprah giving out cars.

00:27:42 Vanessa Roberts: You get a refund. You get a refund? Yep. And asks when are they notified about needing to pay taxes on their refund. It’s it’s a little more complicated than that. And. It’s not that they are paying taxes on the money they get from the refund, it’s that it is an adjustment to the taxes that they have filed. Obviously they’re changing the amount of payroll taxes they’ve paid. So the amount of payroll tax as a deduction on their corporate taxes has to be adjusted. We do advise them in the post closing process that they will need to notify that their. Bookkeeper, CPA.

00:28:22 Brian Anderson: We’re not giving out, we’re not giving out accounting advice to people, right. Yeah, like that’s. We’re nowhere qualified certified to do that, right, so.

00:28:31 Vanessa Roberts: Yeah, they are told. You have to make sure that the person who prepares your taxes knows you got this refund, that you filed these amended returns. So yeah.

00:28:41 Brian Anderson: I think it’s important and I’m not pointing this one thing out. You know but it’s very very very very very very very very very important throughout the whole process to not try and become ACPA because one you take the authority away from the CPA2 you’re not so like transfer that authority which will only make the process move a lot simpler and easier right. Don’t don’t try and be the the end all say all right like I you know I mean. Even even when you know, like I see people talking about. I don’t mean to go off on a tangent here, but I see people talking about. My client wants to know why they got to give their driver’s license. Well, listen, it’s to protect them. And if you have the proper relationship with your client and you’ve not neglected them, right, none of this stuff is that hard to get. None of this stuff is that hard to get. Anytime a client comes unwound or freaks out, it’s because they’ve been neglected. I’m I’m willing to bet every single one of you this is the truth. It’s if you if you have a relationship with your client, they’re not going to freak out for giving driver’s license. They’re not going to freak out for having to give a Social Security number. Unless they’re a bad actor, right? Unless they unless they’ve got some some issues, right. That’s just the truth. Like your client should never flip out if you do a proper transfer of your customer.

00:30:10 Brian Anderson: And let them know that A’s going to contact them. If they have any questions. They’re going to be able to help them get the payroll journal. They’re going to be able to help them. What? What’s going? You know, moving through the process. If you have any questions, Mr. client, Mrs. client, you can always call me back. I can get you the answer, you know, if if I don’t know it, I’ll get you the answer, right. They are going to require your driver’s license. They’re going to require your Social Security guard because they’re going to verify that this is you. We wouldn’t want anybody else out there claiming. Claiming this refund for your company and that’s why we verify all this stuff. Really super easy. See we got.

00:30:54 Vanessa Roberts:Ron Olson asks is Social Security number of owner now being required for all clients before Cpa’s will do any calculation for the business? This is a required field on the pre CPA package. Yes we have to know. The owners of every business, I’m sorry, every owner of the business in order to complete the calculation. Yes, it has always been in the form that it’s not a new development.

00:31:28 Brian Anderson: Doug, Doug, you’re exactly right. If you, if you, if you educate your customers properly up front, you’ll run into none of these issues in the back. That’s just the truth.

00:31:45 Vanessa Roberts:I want to jump in on this because I’ve typed it a couple of times, but I don’t think it’s coming through correctly. If you need to facilitate the connection of your customer and their AE, please submit a support ticket at ERC dot team slash support so that we can make sure the AE connects with your customer. Speaking of Social Security numbers, shouldn’t they be hidden from view in the portal? Portal is secure lockdown your like. It’s not visible to the public like it’s behind locked doors. Only the folks who have to have it to process the file have access to that information.

00:32:38 Brian Anderson: You you know what’s wild is is your driver’s license number used to be your Social Security number 15 years ago. Not to date myself.

00:32:53 Vanessa Roberts: I remember when I had to get a new driver’s license. Like, this is so annoying I have to learn a new number. Glad it. I’m glad that happened before. Identity theft. OK, so I think we’ve got all the tech Q&A taken care of. Said you wanna I know you wanted to jump into sales.

00:33:11 Brian Anderson: Yeah. Well, I just wanted to talk to a little bit. You know, you know we, we’ve talked about this 100 times in the past, but it’s so important to maintain, you know, it’s so easy to go down into the weeds and to and to get yourself, you know, overthinking things. You know I’m here to help you with sales, right? I’m trying to stay in my lane. This is what I do. And taking yourself down in the weeds is just going to overcomplicate and sometimes take your eye off the ball, right. It’s important to keep your eye on the ball. And and and to do so, you’ve got to keep the right mindset because I’ll ask the same question. I know I’ve asked this 100 times before. What’s more important, mindset or process? What’s more important? I’ll give you a second. I want to see responses in the question box. You’re right. They both are important, but one is more important than the other. That’s the truth. Just keeping it real. You know if I tell you it’s going to rain chicken soup, grab a bowl, right? See, a lot of you, a lot of you said mindset. It is. And the reason why is this. With the right mindset, you can work through a bad process. It’s best to have both. But with a with a bad mindset, you’ll never work through even the best process. You feel me on that, so.

00:34:42 Brian Anderson: I just want to make sure and and talk with everybody a little bit about keeping the right mindset. This is a very rare limited opportunity that we have. A lot of people are making tons of money. Be careful not to get yourself like I did to that point where I pulled up to that dealership. That one time I saw all white vans and I thought, man, they’re not going to buy nothing. All they’re selling is, is work vans and we walked in. And that was the one deal that turned that whole day around. We ended up closing four or five deals that day. But it was that one deal that I tried to overthink that I tried to, to judge the book by the cover. I tried to, you know, I I let the little devil on my shoulder get into my ear and messed me up. It’s so important to keep the right mindset in this valuable time of of the opportunity that we have moving forward. Secondly, and I feel like I have to say this. Only to respect everybody. When you post in the Facebook group or even the some of the Platinums, have a slack channel, right? Think before you post. It’s okay to ask legitimate marketing questions. But if you’re if you’re frustrated and you’re just blurting out the whatever you feel at the time, understand that there’s hundreds if not thousands of people reading your post that you could completely black out. You can completely mislead them. You completely. They could totally read your post wrong and and and you’re going to mess them up. So be honest. Like like, let’s keep it real, real quick. Understand your words are powerful. They’re not only powerful to you, they’re powerful to the entire group because people are reading and watching. Don’t be selfish if you have a problem, if you’re frustrated.

00:36:34 Brian Anderson: You have the the correct ways to contact us. Let us find out what’s going on. Normally it’s not near as bad as as we think, but if you have a meltdown and and you start, I don’t. I’m trying to be friendly here. If you start whining or complaining or exploding or whatever it’s freaking called in the group, realize you are potentially blacking out hundreds of people that are reading your comment. And the Facebook group’s not really where the support ticket should be put in, just to be honest. So please, I’m asking everybody, please keep it positive. You’re not one person, not even me, has the right to go black out hundreds of people. It’s just not fair. So be be careful what you post. Please don’t do it in emotion. Do it with with maturity. Is that fair? Does everybody understand what I’m talking about what I’m trying to kind of get around here give me a Roger that if you understand exactly what I’m talking about. Exactly what I mean. Okay, good, awesome. Listen, I mean this is, this is a this is, you know this is a growing environment. Let’s, let’s not pretend. Let’s not pretend and and change the deal. This is a startup company, so to speak. This whole thing was brand new, you know, 1618 months ago. There’s going to be errors, right? But when you see an error or a chink in the armor, or a problem with the process, your job then becomes making somebody aware of that chink in the armor so it can get corrected. None of us are sitting here today saying that we don’t have any mistakes. No chinks in the armor. It’s not. It’s not silky smooth, right?

00:38:27 Brian Anderson: And I mean, it probably never will be 100% silky smooth before this ends, just to be honest. There’s always going to be issues. But the quicker that you would point out those issues, the quicker that we can fix those issues and the quicker all of us can move forward and start getting more productive at the end of the day, the end of the day. I know what my goal is. My goal is to assist each and every one of you to make as much money as you physically can stuff in your pockets, especially for the next 12 to 18 months, okay. So I just, I just want to make that clear, all right. Secondly, a lot of you have reached out to deals and I know that people do this and it’s natural and it’s okay. And I’ve talked a little bit of this in the past, but I want to retalk about it again. You know, a lot of people know the sales guru and a guy I respect a lot who who I’ve known for years, Grant Cardone, right. You know he, he sold the, the ultimate sales secret and made millions of dollars off of selling it. Do you and and does anybody know what the ultimate sales secret was? What the ultimate sales secret that he knew he was going to release to everybody that there are people are willing to pay for it. I’m going to go ahead and tell you what it is. I’m going to save you the money so you don’t have to pay for it. Let me hang on a second. Let me get this over right. Boom. Right there is your sales secret. Right there is the is the secret to the game. This right here will take a ordinary salesperson. This will take a beginner salesperson. This will this will take a a bad salesperson and make them good. It’ll take a good salesperson and make them great. Just the truth.

00:40:18 Brian Anderson: Just the truth and I want to read, read over a couple of the stats real quick, just so you kind of understand that just because you get told no a lot of times because customers are busy in the beginning, but don’t be afraid to follow them up, don’t be afraid to follow them up, right. Let me shrink some stuff down so I can see this 80% of sales require 5 followups. I don’t think so so much with this particular product that we’re offering this service, but they can on national average 80% of sales require 5 followups after the initial contact. Look at that second stat, 44% sales people give up after one. I’m going to tell you right now, I think that number is low. I think about 65 or 75% give up. Here’s what I think. I think people get an opportunity like this, they go out and they talk to three people and they base their entire perception off of three people. That’s what I truly believe. That’s what I truly believe. I don’t think anybody’s going out there. Some of y’all obviously on the call now are and have. That’s why you’re still here are going out and talking to 100 people to make a true educated decision on the the availability those of you have. See the the amount of money that’s that’s the opportunity here. And are absolutely stoked and and moving hard pressed for it right? 20% stop following up after 2 rejections, 14% stop after three, 12% stop after four, 8% do follow up over 5 * 8% of people.

00:42:13 Brian Anderson: Make sure you are following up. Make make sure I know our a E’s are doing this. Until somebody says do not contact me, I am not interested in your services anymore. Do they get moved to stale? We don’t let them give up. That’s one of the biggest things that changed when I got down here. There was no more giving up. There was no more bad leads. There’s no such thing. There’s dead leads and there’s leads. That’s it. There is no bad lead anymore. There’s either leads moving forward or leads getting put stale. That’s it. All right, let me go ahead and tell you this. Also, don’t think that they’re not conscious of who has good leads and who has bad leads. Don’t think they’re not watching that. So make sure you package your deals up very well. I know for a fact I’m just going to point this one thing out. I know the a E’s fight for a bud Clark deal. They literally jump over the cubicles, trip the other one and and and to get the deal. Because Bud Clark, when he sends over a deal, it’s packaged up, it’s full. It’s there. Everything about it is perfect. Make sure you make sure you’re doing the same thing, all right? Just putting it out there, just putting it out there, ways to get to take advantage of the system and I’m telling you what it is. All right. All right. Any any questions on rebuttals? Any, any questions on objections? Right. Have you had any objections? And and we’ll go over them even though it’s pretty much the same rebuttal every time. I’m prepared to to help you. What objections? Have you heard that absolutely stumped you?

00:44:14 Brian Anderson: We’ll discuss this for the last 15 minutes. All right? So no objections? Nobody’s been. No. He’s been tripped up by anything. I’ll give you another few seconds to write him, maybe writing a long objection.

00:44:53 Vanessa Roberts: Yeah, that’s what I you see Ann’s and Joseph about the same, but it’s, yeah.

00:45:00 Brian Anderson: Right. So, so James, James said part of the confusion comes from what follow up do we do in the a E’s, especially for the done for you. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t follow up with them. Every time I would follow up and let them know that a E’s going to call them. I would call them in a couple days and and make sure the a E has called them. I would. You should have a relationship with your customer to the point where it doesn’t matter anyway. Like you want. You don’t want to sell them, just ERC, ertc. This is a door opener for more, more opportunity for you. I’m hoping, right? But there’s no reason why you would not call the client and just say, hey, you know? You know, they want to make sure you spoke with your AE. Everything’s moving forward. You should assist them and white glove them all the way through. I promise you’ll see some better stuff. And said the IRS warning spooked clients. You’re talking about The Dirty dozen crap. I think it only Spooks. Clients that are not properly educated and combated. Hit that head on, hit that head on and agree with them. And so you should be concerned about this. Good news is we’re not this. If you don’t hit it head on, and I’m just being honest here, if you, if you don’t properly, if you ignore your clients, they’re going to, they’re going to, they’re going to fly left. Sometimes you have to, you have to immediately handle that head, head heads up front, right.

00:46:44 Brian Anderson: How how do I know you’re legitimate and not just trying to get my private information? Well, you can look us up. We’re we’re ERT,, or ERTC express. You can tell them what it is. I’m assuming that you’re talking about because you’re cold emailing people or something. Well, and you know what my rule #1 is? And sometimes you can’t win them all. I’m not trying to beat you up, but rule #1 is anytime two people meet a sales made and if you give it your best and they still don’t listen to you. I mean, the truth is the truth. They sold you, they sold you, and it’s okay, because listen, I get sold. I don’t win everyone. I’m not. It’s not making you, I’m not trying to point you out like as if you did an improper deal because I’ve been on the phone with you with customers before and you do an excellent job. Right. I mean, you, you would probably be my number one draft part, a draft pick for a wing on on calling clients together to be honest. So if you give it your best, it’s all you can do. Sometimes you’re just not going to win, sometimes you’re just not going to win. The good news is, is the more nose you get, the quicker you are to get into A to a yes. And John I got to be honest with you and I know I’ve seen some people ask the question you know how do I know you’re legitimate. I personally talking with clients have never ever had a client say that. So I think a lot of it has to do with tonality and pace also you know if you if as long as you come across matter of fact and and very authoritative.

00:48:34 Brian Anderson: I’ve never ever ran into that problem. But if they do, then you just got to refer them to your website, let them see the website, let them know we’ve done over 12,000 clients. I mean, to go to ERTC, you know, when when somebody says, you know, are you a scam, say scam, how doesn’t a scammer normally ask for something and then not give it to you? I’m asking for nothing, so I’m, I’m a bad scammer. What? What I’m asking for is, is to get you your, you know, TC credits. And we’re one of the top submission companies in the country. You can Google us, you can look us up all you want. You’ll find that we’ve helped over 12,000 businesses. It’s much more than that now, but that’s what’s actually been stated. So I’m just trying to help you move forward. Although I understand you being concerned, I understand you being cautious and you should be because there is bad actors out there that are out there to take advantage of you. However, I’m not one, hence why I’m not asking you for money before I do any work for you. That’s how I would respond to that. Every time everybody get that, it’s very simple. All right, cool. All right, we’re going to wrap the call up. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, maybe we’ll do some a little bit more role play or or some word track training because we did spend a lot of today answering questions and I appreciate the support team being on here to help me. I just see them getting beat up on a lot of in the weeds questions and things that they can’t actually help. And I just want y’all to understand where you go to get the help. Because ultimately I want to make sure you’re all get helped. And ultimately I want to make sure we’re all communicating properly to to to make each one of us have the best chance to make the most money and really capitalize this opportunity. Fair enough. All right, rock’n’roll. See you guys. See y’all tomorrow. Yes, ma’am. Bye.