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Businesses have until April 15, 2024, to file amended returns for Q2, Q3, and Q4 of 2020, and until April 15, 2025, to file amended returns for the quarters in 2021 in which they were eligible to claim the ERC.

RPS Training Course Live Training Sessions March 14, 2023


RPS Training Course Live Training Sessions March 01, 2023 – Uncle Syd’s Having an Early Bird Party and You’re Invited


Recovery Profit System Training Course Live Training Sessions 2023-03-01

Syd’s Having a Party and You’re Invited

(Raw transcription; not proofed for grammar or spelling.)

Click here for Google Doc of the transcript.

[00:00:00] Syd Michael: A minute early is a minute late. Uncle Syd, what’s going on everybody? We Bruce, I feel, I feel like we we’re just on the phone, buddy. How you doing, man? We, talked with one of Bruce’s clients while I was driving to Tampa yesterday. All went well. Paula, always a pleasure to see you. Doug, what’s going on, brother guy up in Minnesota.

[00:00:33] Syd Michael: You need to come down here and thaw out again, guy. Hey, so, you know, we got an event next week for everybody I was gonna mention, You know, originally, I don’t know how, what, I don’t know how everything happened, but I guess it started out the eighth and ninth and then they moved it through popular demand to the ninth and 10th to be the end of the week.

[00:00:58] Syd Michael: Any of you that accidentally have [00:01:00] booked and can’t move your ticket on the eighth, come on. Come on. I gotcha. We’ll go to, we’ll go to dinner Wednesday night and. And you can hang out with me at least on, on Wednesday. I promise you, we’ll, we’ll get a lot of value out of it, but come on. And anybody who, who hasn’t decided to come, that does want to come, if you want to, you know, plan on coming the ninth and 10th, but if you want to go ahead and schedule to be here the eighth, come on.

[00:01:28] Syd Michael: I gotcha. I’ll take you, I’ll take you to dinner and, we’ll, we’ll all, we’ll make the best out of it. So it’s, it’s, it’s not a negative, it’s a positive. Get to hang out with Uncle Syd for a little bit. I promise you, I won’t make you play any hands of blackjack. Unwillingly,

[00:01:50] Syd Michael: I’m terrified to go back to that hard rock. I’m, I’m absolutely wore them out over the last three weeks. Donald, you come in the eighth. Beautiful. We, we’ll [00:02:00] go to dinner. Anywhere you want to go, anywhere you want to go. Come on, come on. Don’t, don’t, don’t stress out on, on changing tickets and all that crap.

[00:02:09] Syd Michael: Just, just come on. We got you. We’ll have fun. In fact, if you get here early enough on Wednesday, I don’t know what time you’ll get here. You, you, you can do the, this call with me live next Wednesday, right? That’ll be fun. Oh, pulling the curtain back. Gonna see the Oz. Right? Many of you may know or may not know.

[00:02:38] Syd Michael: coming outta Covid, my hair got kind along and my mother called me. I said, mom, I’m gonna got my hair cut. And she goes, Syd, your hair’s already. Four and a half inches long. You know, you’d be a real jerk. Not gonna go ahead and just grow it out for cancer. And, I said, you know what? You’re right. So I’ve been growing my hair out just so you know, for good [00:03:00] reasons.

[00:03:00] Syd Michael: Right? And, I had long hair once when I was younger, but I definitely prefer shorter hair. But I do have long hair. So those, they get to see me, you know, I get, I get, commonly mistaken for a pro wrestler . Every time, every time I go out, people think I’m some sort of pro wrestler around here. But anyways, the claw.

[00:03:22] Syd Michael: That’s right. So, I finally got home for a couple days and, Darcey was playing with me about it, but it’s true. Finally got home for a couple days and, yesterday when I went to try and start the call, I had to do it from a, from a phone because. My cat puked on my keyboard while I was gone. I don’t know if that was a sign of missing me or a sign of loving me or Dyna.

[00:03:47] Syd Michael: It’s definitely

[00:03:48] Vanessa Roberts: love. Definitely

[00:03:49] Syd Michael: love. Do you think that was love? I think it was love too. Yeah. But I was sitting there going, man, what’s wrong with this keyboard? I mean, what the, what the heck? You know, Uhhuh and, [00:04:00] yeah, I, yeah. I start, I went in there an hour early knowing I was gonna have to do countless amount of updates.

[00:04:07] Syd Michael: So, Vanessa, I know you jumped on later. I was telling everybody if they, if they accidentally bought the, the ticket on the eighth and it was, they were locked in to, to come on. They’re welcome. I’m gonna, I’ll entertain ’em on the eighth.

[00:04:22] Vanessa Roberts: Awesome.

[00:04:24] Syd Michael: Yeah. We’ll have fun and I’ll take ’em. I’ll take ’em to dinner.

[00:04:26] Syd Michael: We’ll, I’ll personally go to dinner, that night and, We’ll make it happen. Hey Michael, from Wisconsin. I did business in Wisconsin. Very cool spot. I was in Eau Claire. Eau Claire. I have church that wants the names of other churches we’ve worked with. Well, Michael, unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, we don’t go share in churches.

[00:04:52] Syd Michael: Just like we won’t go share in their name with other churches, I think they would, should understand that. [00:05:00] It’s just not gonna happen. You don’t, and, and, and with a financial, something like this, you definitely don’t, don’t wanna do it. Yeah. friend me up and hit me on Messenger or, or, or whatnot.

[00:05:13] Syd Michael: You can reach out to me now. I’ll give you my cell phone number, Donald. Make sure we, you know, make, make sure we’re all good to go. If I ain’t doing anything, I’ll come pick you up. We’re the, we’re right next to the airport, the office. So I’ll come, I’ll come even pick you up from the airport. So what, what hotels they got y’all staying in?

[00:05:32] Syd Michael: What hotels? I happen to be pretty intimate with all the hotels around here lately, which one did they put y’all in? I decided to swim with the manatees on Wednesday. We’ll be back for that dinner. Beautiful. Oh, that’s cool. Christie, you’re at the Hyatt house, Christie.

[00:05:55] Syd Michael: It’s called the Hyatt, that’s where I’m at right now. It’s a [00:06:00] very cool hotel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s really, really clean, really nice. I generally stay at the, the Hampton Inn just cause it’s a little bit inexpensive, little less expensive. I try and be conscious to, to expenses, you know, try not to take advantage of that kind of stuff.

[00:06:22] Syd Michael: But, the Hyatt house is way nicer. Way, way, way nicer for sure, I just got your, we use memes a lot, don’t we Vanessa?

[00:06:36] Vanessa Roberts: I speak, that’s my second language is memes, right? I just sent you one.

[00:06:41] Syd Michael: Yeah, I saw that. I love it. I don’t know what it is. Every time I try and log into VA it says logged off. I just wanna make sure it’s all good.

[00:06:48] Syd Michael: Yes. Okay. holiday Inn, that’s also a nice place. but the Hyatt House Christie is, really cool. It, it does have that typical, complimentary [00:07:00] breakfast that every, you know, moderate three star hotel has. But it’s, it’s a really nice place. It’s new. they do have a little bit of, room for event centers.

[00:07:09] Syd Michael: In fact, right now they’re having a huge H V A C convention down there. So, you know, I was down there schmoozing up with him. This. before they got started. A, B, C. Right? Always be closing. There. Ain’t nobody safe. Awesome. Ronald, where’d you get a hotel at Mr. Olson?

[00:07:42] Syd Michael: Jeff drinks a lot of coffee. I do drink coffee occasionally. Not always though.

[00:07:51] Syd Michael: Doug was asking is there a way to get the calculator removed from the question intake form? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. referencing the movie Coffees for [00:08:00] Closers, that’s.

[00:08:05] Syd Michael: Um,

[00:08:12] Syd Michael: why revenues rather than year end quarters, but the CPAs are so efficient that the file and review without updating the quarterly revenue. Yeah, 1150. Okay. Cool. All right, well just, just hit me on messenger. Hit me on messenger. I’ll, I’ll run over there and, and grab. Not a problem. Well, I have 11:00 AM call so maybe I, maybe I can’t because we gotta do this call at 11:00 AM but yeah, either way, we’ll get you taken care of.

[00:08:43] Syd Michael: Come straight to the office, uncle sits Got you. All of, you’re like family anyway, right? I mean, I talked to y’all more than I talked to my own blood brother,

[00:08:57] Syd Michael: so I feel closer with you anyways. [00:09:00] so, I dropped some memes in the, in the Facebook page. Don’t, don’t be afraid to use ’em. They’re effective. I’m telling you, like, like Vanessa said, they have a little bit of emotion with them. You know what I mean? I did one I’ll make, I’ll make up a bunch of ’em for whichever one you feel comfortable with.

[00:09:21] Syd Michael: Some of ’em are a little aggressive because I’m an aggressive guy sometimes. Yeah. I put up, mark Safe from you filling out your ERTC paperwork, or we can do it where Mark’s safe from you upload. ERTC paperwork. Steve, I’m gonna try and look up your client. I’ll be honest with you, so many of you have started using me as a support desk that I’m trying, I don’t have, I don’t have time to do it for everybody.

[00:09:46] Syd Michael: I’m, I’m trying to do it for everybody I can though, just to be honest, and, and it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have, I shouldn’t have offered, and, and Vanessa tells me that all the time, but I don’t listen very well, so, [00:10:00] I definitely 100% after this call, I have scheduled for an hour to go and, and talk with the closing team and find out exactly what’s going on, on, on several of y’all’s deals that y’all sent me.

[00:10:12] Syd Michael: but talking about the meme. Talking about the meme, you know, he’s got your buddy, talking about the meme. oh. Darcey’s already back from the doctor. Is that quick?

[00:10:28] Syd Michael: Nope, she’s doing it from a.

[00:10:35] Syd Michael: Excuse you. Darcey

[00:10:40] Syd Michael: Bless. Oh my gosh. Bless you.

[00:10:47] Syd Michael: I don’t know what’s going on over there. I’m gonna mute her though. Okay. Save some embarrass. Yep. It’s windy. Yeah. Excuse you, [00:11:00] Lord God. Oh, you said rainy here. All right, well, you were unmuted. I don’t know what was going on, but, unmuted you. If you need me to unmute you, I will.

[00:11:14] Syd Michael: I was just calling from a car. but do you understand when to use memes? Does everybody understand? I’ll keep dropping a few of them. you could pick which ones you like. I tried to put a few that were, that were videoed, but I use, just so in case anybody wants to actually, uh,

[00:11:42] Syd Michael: I use meme maker. What do you use, Vanessa? Do you have a meme maker or do you just go down and do gifts? Oh, I love gifts. Yeah, that’s what we did back and forth.

[00:11:56] Vanessa Roberts: I have used the

[00:11:57] Syd Michael: meme generator before. You’re all good.

[00:11:59] Vanessa Roberts: What’s that? [00:12:00] I have used the meme generator before if I knew that there’s a meme that, like the, the vibe of the meme, how it’s currently u commonly used applies to the, what I’m trying to say. I have gone in and used the a meme generator to make it, you know, like y’all got any more of that?

[00:12:16] Vanessa Roberts: E r TC money ? Yeah, yeah,

[00:12:19] Syd Michael: yeah, yeah. We, my, me and my buddies are, pretty ruthless with each other. I use a pet talking app, and so if like one of my buddies says something, you know, very funny. comical or something we’re harassing ’em about, you know, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll go and upload a picture of them and, and I can make it where I’m, I’ll do a voiceover of them saying whatever they said that we’re laughing about.

[00:12:43] Syd Michael: Brutal. But yeah, you don’t wanna hang out with a bunch of car guys. Absolutely. Broody, no sense sensitivity whatsoever. Gotta have thick skin, but, alright, so, I see yesterday training up so excited.[00:13:00]

[00:13:02] Syd Michael: Beautiful. Thank you, Christie. That’s what I’m talking about, said, she, she’s gonna get the, uh, the presentation transcribed today. Good. Yeah. I did, I did go off a little bit yesterday, I guess. You know, listen, you don’t have to say it exactly like I say it, but I promise you, out of the thousands and thousands of deals I’ve talked to and, and realize, like right now, any downtime I have, I go to the floor and I just, I just closed 1 25 minutes ago.

[00:13:37] Syd Michael: Right? All I do is, is, is run around and, if they raise their hand, I immediately take the headset, sit down. Ask ’em the customer’s name, ask ’em the issue, close ’em down, give ’em back to headset, and move on to the next one. And, you know, it, it’s, and occasionally, thanks Bill. I appreciate that, Bubba.

[00:13:58] Syd Michael: occasionally [00:14:00] I get stumped. Occasionally I get, I get rocked, you know what I mean? I had, I’ll tell you on the work order agreement in the sections 10 and 11, I had a, a little bit of issues a couple weeks ago, just cuz I’d never been hit with. And it’s basically, it’s written just to protect us from bad actors.

[00:14:19] Syd Michael: And it’s written because of, You know, it’s, our attorneys wrote it, okay. Which is, you know, natural for us, them to protect us. And I was a little rusty on, on kind of the way presenting it. And so I struggled. The first couple people I had to explain the contract or work order agreement to, but now I’ve got it down, down pat.

[00:14:39] Syd Michael: That’s what I just closed this last guy on. And, just to go into it, to tell you, there’s one part where it says, you know, for any reason, we can cancel the, the a. And if there’s a chargeback w we’re also allowed to cancel the agreement and the way it’s written with the paragraphs around it, it kind of sounds like [00:15:00] if the IRS charge back, they still owe us, and that’s not the case.

[00:15:04] Syd Michael: The chargeback is if they pay an 18% a c H and it doesn’t go through, then we’re able to cancel and it’s only 100% just to protect us on, you know, if you give us false information, we’re not. You know, willingly file your claim knowing that it’s, there’s fraudulent information and we’re gonna charge you the 18% because we still did the work for you is basically all it’s saying.

[00:15:26] Syd Michael: But, spoke with a guy really, really cool guy out of New York, who, who, which is rare cuz normally, you know, they kind of just pre, pre programmed. Don’t wanna argue. This guy was a sweetheart. But, he was an EMT, in the, the, the 9/11 buildings when it happened, which, was pretty cool. So, you know, I got to know him and, and, and, you know, and, he, he’s moving forward with us and, you know, there’s nothing wrong with getting to know your customer.

[00:15:55] Syd Michael: It’s so, it’s so valuable and so important. You know, I, [00:16:00] I don’t know if I told y’all. Pretty ranting yesterday about, with dealing with insurance. You know, I was dealing with my insurance, going to the hospital and stuff, and I got nothing to hide. I got, I got some, like, blood, blood, uh I got issues in my legs with circulation, with blood and stuff.

[00:16:20] Syd Michael: So I went to go get checked out. I didn’t want to play around you. And, dealing with, the people with, blue Cross Blue Shield talking to insurance. You know, it’s funny, I tell people all the time, if you wanna learn how to sell a car, buy a car, cuz you’ll learn exactly what not to do. And, dealing with the, people at the insurance company, I learned exactly how not to treat a customer.

[00:16:45] Syd Michael: You know when people don’t listen and they talk at you and not to you, and you truly understand, that they could give us two craps about you know what I mean? It’s offensive. And after I spoke to my third lady [00:17:00] who still told me the bad news that they were gonna charge me for two months that I went wasn’t covered, but I had to in order to keep insurance.

[00:17:06] Syd Michael: She told me the bad news, but I could tell she empathetic. Was concerned. She truly understood my worries and and my complaints and even though it wasn’t going my way, the fact that she empathetically understood and agreed with me and apologized and I paid the extra 1900 bucks. I know some people are in scenarios where they might be able to couldn’t pay the 1900 and you gotta fight for your life.

[00:17:30] Syd Michael: I understand. I was in a scenario where I could, so I did. But it was funny cuz the lady said nothing different than the other three people I talked. But her having that understanding at least made it where, you know, I did it right. And it’s amazing cuz that’s how powerful it is to, to get to know people and to listen.

[00:17:53] Syd Michael: And, you know, let’s face it, like in today’s world, a lot of people just don’t give a [00:18:00] crap about anybody. Right. A lot of people don’t say thank you. When you open the door for ’em, you owe it to ’em. They just, they don’t know any, right. So when talking with somebody, like even this guy I was talking to earlier today, you know, he mentioned that he had to move back up to New York.

[00:18:16] Syd Michael: He mentioned he was in Fort Lauderdale and then had to move back up to New York, to, cuz you know, it was easier for him to get his cancer covered up there because of the 9/11. He’s under some sort of, You know, help there. I I, you know, immediately I was like, dude, it’s you guys from New York down in South Florida makes the food so good.

[00:18:34] Syd Michael: Right? And, and you know, when, when he said he, you know, was, had cancer with, with the, you know, 9/11 thing, I immediately said, were you there? Did you see it? you gotta tell me. You know, people want to. last questions. They want to, to know that you’re, you’re concerned you’re not offending people by asking them about them.

[00:18:54] Syd Michael: Right. You’re not offending people by, showing concern or being inquisitive. [00:19:00] You know, people ultimately love the, to get a chance to, to tell their story or or past their, their, their legacy or, or to have somebody who cares or are. So re realize that it’s, IM, it’s important when talking to people, and I have a theory, I have a theory on based on, you know, obviously the younger, the generation, it seems like the harder, the harder it is to get them to say thank you.

[00:19:26] Syd Michael: Yes ma’am. No, ma’am. And all that stuff. I have a theory and y’all can agree with me or disagree with me. I think it’s because when, like when I would call, if I was calling Vanessa back in my high school days, right? I would have to talk to Vanessa’s. And I would have to, yes ma’am. No ma’am. Her mother or she might keep me from being able to talk to Vanessa and this is a hot weekend and I gotta get through to Vanessa and invite her out.

[00:19:49] Syd Michael: What

[00:19:49] Vanessa Roberts: are your intentions? What are ? I can hear nothing

[00:19:53] Syd Michael: but bad intentions, but I did it so politely. They let me through . There’s a party at the moon tower and we’re going, baby girl . [00:20:00] Let it go. Let’s go. Right. So I think that’s, a little bit why some of the younger generations don’t. Have the same empathy as us, but wouldn’t doubt keep it true.

[00:20:13] Syd Michael: Right. And, and, you know, get, and be inquisitive about people and get to know ’em. All right. I see some questions coming through Joseph. What’s up, brother? CC M Roofing. They just sent a email saying, yeah, well that’s not gonna happen, Bubba.

[00:20:33] Syd Michael: Yeah, well, they’ve already signed their work order agreement. Their, there’s, their goose. Goose is cooked. And let me, let me explain this, this again, lemme just straight up tell you this, this is where, this is exactly what I was talking about yesterday. Joseph, were you on the call yesterday?

[00:20:52] Syd Michael: I didn’t think so. so by allowing [00:21:00] this customer. To go with their pa Let me just read you exactly what he said. Let me just read you exactly what he said and I got nothing to hide here. C m Roofing, they just sent an email saying they decided to go with their payroll company to do ERTC. This was a possible 800 k deal, that I think we dropped the ball on.

[00:21:19] Syd Michael: I’m gonna try and get the call, with Syd, but the issue is about the document not labeled with owner’s name. Let’s, let’s clarify here. Joseph, I’m just gonna shoot you straight. I wouldn’t be your buddy if I wasn’t telling you the truth. If, if you let them go do an income loss submission through their payroll company,

[00:21:42] Syd Michael: you’re screwing that customer over. And they don’t even realize it right now. All they realize, let’s just be honest, their payroll companies probably quoted them something like 10 or 15%, and to them, all they see is a discounted rate. Who wouldn’t want to go with a discounted rate? We’re [00:22:00] natural bargain shoppers, right?

[00:22:01] Syd Michael: We want to buy the, the eight for $10 and the, and the three, buy two 12 packs and get one free. But you and or we, cuz I’m willing to help. You need to get on the phone and let these people know that whatever they’re talking, and I don’t know your exact deal, I know we’ve been talking about some of your deals, but I’ve been hit with so many individual deals, like I don’t know the exact parameters of y of why you think we dropped the ball on this, but like it, they’re gonna torture the.

[00:22:35] Syd Michael: They’re gonna do an income loss submission and they’re gonna, you’re gonna watch their credit’s gonna be a third of what they’re capable of qualifying for good luck that they just saved 3% to go, to go cut their, their credit back a third. Let’s get on the phone and call ’em and find out exactly what’s going on.

[00:22:51] Syd Michael: Call, but the issue was all about a document not labeled with owner’s name. [00:23:00] Well, if they wanted to send over bogus submission, shit, then they can send it over. But it’s gotta be right. Just so you know. gimme a call and let’s, let’s talk, discuss that. There’s no way, no way in heck we’re gonna let them go work with that other company because it’s not fair, the fair for them.

[00:23:18] Syd Michael: It’s, it’s not gonna be fair for them.

[00:23:24] Syd Michael: Your Roger says, and that’s why ghosting was invented by the younger generation, never happened in our time. Right. It was fighting words to ghost somebody. You’d go hone down like a deer, right? Lloyd said, shit, get Well. Thank you Lloyd. I appreciate you, buddy. You know I’m getting that age where you guys start taking care of his stuff.

[00:23:44] Syd Michael: You know, you gotta start taking care of stuff. As long as they don’t wanna start messing with my colon, we’re we’re good . Oh. please don’t start telling me nightmare stories [00:24:00] about it. Y’all keep me outta the doctor’s office forever.

[00:24:06] Syd Michael: I’m sure a lot of you know what I’m talking about. All right, what else we got? Joseph, reach out to me. Let’s get on the phone and, and deal with your, your people’s suit asap. I have a lead for a school in Guam. Is there anything I should know have handled them differently? Not that I know of. Not that I know of.

[00:24:27] Syd Michael: I know we’ve had some Guam deals go through. Vanessa, have you seen Guam deals come through? I know some people have talked a little bit about it. You know, I

[00:24:34] Vanessa Roberts: haven’t tracked if they have closed, but I have seen them come through.

[00:24:39] Syd Michael: Okay, good. Aw Ken. Thank you man. That’s, your sweetheart for saying that.

[00:24:46] Syd Michael: Thank you. Thank you so much. Seriously. you know, I mean I love that I’ve got to know all y’all well enough that I can [00:25:00] abruptly, sometimes harshly tell you the truth cuz you know that my 100% genuine intention is the only. Help you know what I mean? I’m not trying to like bully or point you out or embarrass you.

[00:25:11] Syd Michael: Ever, ever, you know, I mean, I’m glad that We all have gotten close enough to, to realize that because, because then it only makes it easier for us to, to both win. And trust me, if you win, I win. And, you know that, that’s a, that’s a win-win all the way. I love seeing people. You see, you see where Gary Bitner said he, he, he, he told me the other day, and I don’t know why he said, dude, I’ve only made a hundred grand.

[00:25:38] Syd Michael: I’m like, dude, that’s awesome brother. You know, congratulations, you’ve worked hard. I think you appreciated it. And I don’t know why Vanessa, but I was thinking he made a hundred grand in the last 12 months, cuz he’s been working, you know, pretty, pretty hard the last 12 months, right? Yeah. He meant a hundred grand.

[00:25:54] Syd Michael: When he said I made a hundred grand. He didn’t mean in a year. He met this year.

[00:25:59] Vanessa Roberts: This year . [00:26:00] I had to do the math in my, I was like, wait a. Wait a minute, this

[00:26:05] Syd Michael: this year. He’s made a hundred grand this year. Now wonder why a new Right. ?

[00:26:13] Vanessa Roberts: Yes. Yes. The 20 are

[00:26:15] Syd Michael: joke . Yeah. Yeah. I pressured Gary to try and come down. He can’t make it next week.

[00:26:21] Syd Michael: He’s got a bunch of stuff, you know, him and his family. Go on mission trips and, and, and are very, very, very, very open-hearted in helping people. I pressured him as much as I could, but he already had, pre other engagements, but I’m gonna get him down here one day, I promise you that. Yeah, it was, it was awesome seeing that he, he’d already done it this year.

[00:26:45] Syd Michael: once the client isn’t, okay, hang on a second. You got a question here? This sounds like one, let’s get you some. Hey, Cynthia. one, once client is in the closing department, is there a clause in the contract that says if they don’t decide within a certain amount of [00:27:00] time, like 15 or 30 days, that it will default to the full department option?

[00:27:04] Syd Michael: Yes, it does. That’s exactly what it does. Yep. It’s exactly what it does. and we’ve tried, you know, there’s not a, there’s not a lot of deals that actually go that route, but, you know, if, if somebody. Tries to, you know, get us to do all the work and then not pay us. I mean, you know, it’s kind of, kind of the wrong deal, you know, make sure they file the 941 deals in Guam.

[00:27:31] Syd Michael: Have client doc uploads scheduled for Thursday. Head to confirm the 941s first. Okay? All right.

[00:27:43] Syd Michael: On, uh,

[00:27:51] Syd Michael: Allen says he, I have 10 deals completed. Okay. All right. Well, I know we’re [00:28:00] looking for people to be, platinum more than not be, but Vanessa, can we check and see if, if it’s, I mean, if he’s one deal away from a deal that that blew up on him or whatever, I don’t see any reason why we. I know Alan’s been with us for Alan.

[00:28:16] Syd Michael: I mean, how long have you been, I’ve seen you in many things. I think you’ve been with Brian and myself for over 10 years. Several years anyway. Yeah. I,

[00:28:27] Vanessa Roberts: I asked him to send over a ticket, Darcey’s who sets everything up, but she’s driving. I know she can’t see chat, so if he’ll send over a ticket, I’ll, we’ll make sure he’s connected with

[00:28:35] Syd Michael: Darcey.

[00:28:36] Syd Michael: Okay, good. Yeah. Yeah. He’s been in social vending machine. Okay, good. Come on. Are you gonna come down next week?

[00:28:49] Syd Michael: Are you gonna grace us with your presence?

[00:28:59] Vanessa Roberts: Are you [00:29:00] talking to me?

[00:29:01] Syd Michael: No, I’m asking Alan. Okay. You’re not asking me. No, I was putting, I was putting on the, on the, on the spot there. Yeah. Okay. Well, too bad bro. I would’ve really enjoyed your, to, to meet you for sure, but maybe next time I agree. Maybe next time this won’t, this won’t be the last time.

[00:29:20] Syd Michael: But, they’re always, they’re always kind of cool the first time at all, all events. And, and Brian, I’ve done, you know, many, many, many, many events. So, Man. I’ll tell you this. If you have any issues with deals when you come down, you don’t have to schedule a call for Syd to close. You can just, we can take a cell phone and call ’em right there.

[00:29:42] Syd Michael: I’ll do it right in front of you. We can talk to any of your clients. That’ll be open the full, full three days, so that, that, that, that, that’ll be some value, some epic value. Vanessa, you’re not coming [00:30:00] down though, right? You’re, you’re, you’re hemmed up with all the stuff you got going on there. Mm-hmm.

[00:30:04] Vanessa Roberts: Yep.

[00:30:04] Vanessa Roberts: And, you know, softball’s back in, in season, so

[00:30:07] Syd Michael: Oh, yeah. I

[00:30:09] Vanessa Roberts: understand . My kid’s got a ball in her hand. That, that’s the work life balance right there.

[00:30:17] Syd Michael: Anne, we gotta just look at that. If, if, I mean, there is no real backing out, like just, just like what I was talking with the other deal. If they’ve already signed it and, and they don’t choose, then it just defer to the 30%.

[00:30:30] Syd Michael: So that’s probably what’s going on. But you need to send in a support ticket to find out. I’m Coleman insanely busy. I was hooked up to Nicole’s Kia for a couple days, where we called. That one client that was having like a marital issues mm-hmm, and we became their mm-hmm, their, you know, I’m talking counselor.

[00:30:50] Syd Michael: Yep. Yeah. We became counselors for ’em. well that’s not cool and let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s find out what’s going on with [00:31:00] it. but, they, Anyways, I couldn’t believe how many calls she was getting, like inbound calls. It was, it was upset. It was, it was insane. It was more than any one person could ever possibly answer.

[00:31:17] Syd Michael: So, Vanessa, let’s, let’s 100% Hang on, on your 11 o’clock, brother.

[00:31:29] Vanessa Roberts: Hey Anna, look at that for you.

[00:31:32] Syd Michael: . Brian just called me. yeah, please, please cuz Angela’s a hard worker. I work with her a lot on several deals. I don’t want her if, if she feels like she hadn’t been answered. That’s, I don’t want anybody feeling uncertain, you know what I mean?

[00:31:52] Syd Michael: Yeah. And we love you too, Anne. I appreciate you. Like I know that uncertainty. I mean just talking real, I know that, that feeling of [00:32:00] uncertainty and, and, and when you’re, you’re struggling with uncertainty. It’s, it’s, it’s scary right now. Some people, I’m just gonna be open with you, some people. You know, o over overly, want to check on their deals every, you know, 48 hours, right?

[00:32:17] Syd Michael: We’re all, we all want it done quicker than, than, than later. But if you’re, if you’re stuck and there’s a deal that you see that’s going awry or, or hasn’t been, it, it seems like something’s wrong or it’s stuck, do get in touch with us. Let us figure out what’s going on with it. We want to have ’em, we want to get ’em taken care of.

[00:32:34] Syd Michael: We’re here to support each and every one of you as much as we possibly can. By no means. Want anybody to have any sort of, you know, no neglected feeling or anything like that. For sure. I think all of you know that. So, Becky, give me minute about putting a ticket.

[00:32:56] Syd Michael: Okay. Yeah, I mean, [00:33:00] all right. Definitely Joseph. send a support ticket. Let’s get that handled. All right. Enough about talking about support tickets. Let’s talk about, let’s talk about business. Has anybody had any, has anybody had any, uh, weird objections here recently?

[00:33:26] Syd Michael: Roy says, hey, I have three deals that have paid the 18%, and it’s been a few weeks. Generally, once they. It goes into the next pay, pay period, so it can take up to four weeks, but sometimes it pays within a couple weeks, meaning everyone that we get paid on, like for instance, in January, everyone that we got paid on before January 15th, correct me if I’m wrong, Vanessa, you handle this.

[00:33:50] Syd Michael: Mm-hmm. But if it’s paid on January 15th, you should get paid on February 1st. At worst, February.

[00:33:57] Vanessa Roberts: Now, and I’ll tell you the only reason that would [00:34:00] not happen is if you or your subagent are not fully compliant,

[00:34:06] Syd Michael: meaning ding, ding, ding. That’s what I was gonna mention. This vehicle.

[00:34:09] Vanessa Roberts: Hand doc. Hand doc, for you and or your subagent.

[00:34:12] Vanessa Roberts: And I don’t know if you Roy specifically have a subagent, but this is the most common hangup. We don’t pay everybody and or we don’t pay anybody until we pay everybody. So we’re not gonna pay you and not your sub-agent. So if you have a sub-agent, you must make sure they’ve. Agent agreement, you must make sure they’re set up in every, or we have their wire instructions, and you must submit a sub-agent payment statement and you have to sign the agent agreement.

[00:34:36] Vanessa Roberts: You have to have set up every, or sent your wire instructions if you, if your deal is funded and one of those things isn’t happening, a, we are actively chasing you. We are sending emails. We are trying to get you to set this up. Victor does it all day every day. But you can check with us if you feel you should have been paid.

[00:34:56] Vanessa Roberts: Please send a ticket, [00:35:00] Say, Hey Victor, what do I need to do to get paid? What is missing? And he will tell you, send you a link and help you out. So,

[00:35:07] Syd Michael: And, and, and, you can, everybody can understand why Vanessa doesn’t want to pay half deals and then keep up with the other half deal and, and then come to find out you paid, you know, this person that, and that, like, when one, when they, when the deal gets paid, it’s closed out and moved off the table.

[00:35:24] Syd Michael: Right? So you can understand why she, she wants to do it that way with sub-agents. I get it. I don’t like loose ends and she don’t wanna have loose ends all over the place either. So, you know. you know, make sure your stuff’s in line so you can get paid, paid, paid well, right. I did it in the car business.

[00:35:44] Syd Michael: You know, We used to get paid on Fridays, and I know that, that, you know, like they would calculate your commissions on Tuesdays, every Tuesday. I would, I would call and say, Hey, is there anything holding up any of my commissions? Because if you were missing like a tag receipt or anything like that, [00:36:00] they would hold up your commission.

[00:36:01] Syd Michael: You wouldn’t know until you got your check and it was light. And, and I hated it cuz every time I got a weak check, there was always the pretty girl at the bank. I had to go cash it with . Right.

[00:36:12] Vanessa Roberts: Awesome. Never,

[00:36:14] Syd Michael: never failed. Right? I had to go, go cash my $50 check like some baller. There’s always the cute girl from high school when I’d had the cash.

[00:36:25] Syd Michael: I’m like, dang it. But anyway,

[00:36:28] Vanessa Roberts: this is just the interest on my real paycheck.

[00:36:32] Syd Michael: All right. He said, he said all his stuff is good. All right, so the if it just came in, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get paid. If you didn’t get paid today, you’ll get paid on the 15th. Mm-hmm, you get paid on on the 15th.

[00:36:42] Vanessa Roberts: Yeah. And like I said, send in a ticket. Victor can look at every single deal and tell you what’s going on.

[00:36:53] Syd Michael: Check for next week. Yeah,

[00:36:57] Vanessa Roberts: man. Thank goodness for a mobile [00:37:00] deposit these days. Right night, Dropbox back in the old days.

[00:37:08] Syd Michael: I love being able to just take a picture of a check and deposit it through. Yeah. Can

[00:37:12] you

[00:37:12] Vanessa Roberts: believe growing up we were slide their checks through a mail slot and saying, hope it’s in my account tomorrow.

[00:37:19] Syd Michael: Yeah. Yeah. I had a bank lady at bb and t. If I didn’t go personally deposit the checks, she would hold them for five days if I sent like anybody to go do it for me or whatever. Mm-hmm, when I was traveling all the time, I’d have to call down there and be all sweet and schmoozer. It was miserable. Don’t, don’t even get me started on banks.

[00:37:39] Syd Michael: They got me started. last week or yesterday a little bit on banks. Don’t even get me going. Get me all fired up. But, what other, any other good questions? Hey her. What are you doing buddy? How you coming to see us? P. See you Gary. Rock and roll brother. [00:38:00]

[00:38:01] Syd Michael: See, bill, can you do a quick bullet points about construction companies on how interest rates are affecting them? James, I said those are two dirty four letter words, five letters, but still probably won’t make it all right. I hate that about you, man. I hate that you can’t make it, ma’am. bill said, bill points about construction companies.

[00:38:21] Syd Michael: I’ll tell you, what I personally have and you know, listen, this is not every construction. Right. But this is, this is with a several that I’ve dealt with, you know, with, with party real estate slowing down. A lot of ’em have, have moved over and started doing some commercial stuff. And with party, a lot of the vendors or a lot of the stuff is net 30.

[00:38:51] Syd Michael: And with commercial, they take their time on paying you. So They kind of got put into a little bit of a cash. So, [00:39:00] you know, just be aware of it. It’s also something you can talk about.

[00:39:05] Vanessa Roberts: I’ll tell you this, my, Alan, that is correct, the details that Victor sent about payouts, and that is the processing time is correct.

[00:39:14] Vanessa Roberts: my husband owns a construction business and, I can’t speak to interest rates, but I’ll tell you the cost of wood quadruple. The materials, the, the supply chain issues, the cost to do business because of materials double, tripled, quadrupled in some instances.

[00:39:42] Syd Michael: Okay. Yeah. Which is, which is horrible.

[00:39:45] Syd Michael: Byron says, Hey Byron. How you doing, buddy? I have a insurance co, company client that doesn’t think he qualifies because he didn’t have to close or only had a brief slowdown in 2020. Well, the good news [00:40:00] is, is that we’ll actually do the calculations without charging him a dime. He’s got nothing to lose.

[00:40:06] Syd Michael: You know, how would he feel if he found out that he actually qualified for 300 grand and didn’t do it because he thought he was a c p A? You know, one thing, what he’s doing one time in a once in a lifetime, we’ve done over 12,000 times in the last 12 months, so let’s you know if, if, if he can find it in his heart to upload those four documents.

[00:40:24] Syd Michael: Let us just check it out real quick and see. Not to mention the IRS website is not as updated as, as the actual ERTC submission is. There’s a lot more ways, there’s a bunch of ways that you can qualify for, let the professionals decide. Let’s not try and be CPAs. I’m not a cpa. Byron, I’m assuming you’re not a cpa.

[00:40:44] Syd Michael: the gentleman who owns the insurance company is definitely not a cpa. Let’s, let’s let, let’s let somebody who’s qualified to do so do so. That’s as factual of a rebuttal as I can give you. Does that help you? [00:41:00] It blows me away when people want to do their own qualifications, you know? Cool, ma’am. Like, it’s unacceptable.

[00:41:10] Syd Michael: It’s unacceptable. Like why would somebody wanna do their own qualifications and figure it out? And sometimes they’re right, sometimes they’re right, sometimes they don’t qualify. But again, why, why take a chance on such a large ticket item, you know?

[00:41:29] Syd Michael: Why take a chance? John, we talked about the, hedge fund in the past. I personally, would steer very clear of it. Although we are working with another company that’s supposed to be a lot easier and we’ll announce that when it happens. I personally would not mention a hedge fund to anybody.

[00:41:48] Syd Michael: They’re so strenuous on how they calculate the, like, on how they approve. All you’re gonna do is, and for lack of a better term, I’m sorry, but we’ve always called it, you’re gonna query your deal. You’re gonna [00:42:00] query your deal if you lead with the hedge fund. Only reason why I ever bring up a hedge fund if that’s the only way I can get the deal done.

[00:42:06] Syd Michael: I had a 4 million deal that me and, I won’t mention his name, but anyways, working on, well, that was the only way we could close the deal and so I brought it up. Other than that, I don’t even mention that. If you look at the, the reasoning the hedge fund can deny a client is if they’ve ever had negative social media.

[00:42:22] Syd Michael: That’s a reason they could deny the client that is not considered buy in deep, and by bringing up the hedge fund is only gonna create issues. I wouldn’t even do it.

[00:42:36] Syd Michael: I have one in process now, waiting on it. Well, good luck. Good luck. I’m not a fan of it, just to be honest. I’d be lying to you if I thought I was.

[00:42:50] Syd Michael: I have a client has six businesses getting ready to submit. Can she choose different fee schedules for each company? Oof. Oof. Burgess [00:43:00] throwing the knuckle ball,

[00:43:02] Vanessa Roberts: please. Please don’t

[00:43:05] Syd Michael: Damn Burgess throwing the knuckle ball at us .

[00:43:08] Vanessa Roberts: No. Honestly, yes. I mean, yes, if she wants to pay some upfront. Def first some pay deposit on some.

[00:43:16] Vanessa Roberts: Absolutely. Yes.

[00:43:18] Syd Michael: All right. There you go. I mean, I’d

[00:43:19] Vanessa Roberts: rather not,

[00:43:20] Syd Michael: right? Pardon? Loose ends. Jesus’ cut off jeans over there, but all right. Leave it to burgs. Throw knuckle ball at us. You know what, without you got a lot of deals closing.

[00:43:38] Vanessa Roberts: Yeah. Awesome work, you know? Heck yeah. It’s a good problem to

[00:43:42] Syd Michael: have. Yep, that’s right.

[00:43:43] Syd Michael: You got six, six businesses on one deal, not a boy, soldier, Good job. All right, cool. Vanessa, you got anything else? I don’t want to keep everybody on for longer than they need, but,

[00:43:59] Vanessa Roberts: [00:44:00] I know we’re running out space for the event next week, so. Get in where you fit in. Syd, you’re having a party on Wednesday, so, the folks can come early, right?

[00:44:14] Vanessa Roberts: Yep. Yes. so yeah, Darcey wanted me to make sure that everybody had that link. It’s in chat. Let me drop it again. Does anybody need the link? I’ll make sure you’ve got it. I think that’s everything.

[00:44:35] Syd Michael: Yes. Hey, Vanessa, real, real quick. You have, what forwarded you from Tony Joseph had some deals where the guy, got paid. Are we talking to closing department on collecting that? Oh, yeah. Already does it. Okay. Cause I, mm-hmm, I’ve been messaged every day for the last three days about it. Please?

[00:44:55] Vanessa Roberts: Nope. We have a process in place that monitors when checks are issued from [00:45:00] the irs, and if they don’t go through the lockbox, then we start working directly with the customer.

[00:45:06] Vanessa Roberts: So we’ll take care of

[00:45:08] Syd Michael: Tony. Okay. Good. All right. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. All right. Hey everybody, rock and roll. We’ll see you next Wednesday. Hopefully I’ll see you in person. Donald, let me know. casual attire. Yeah, casual’s. It don’t matter what you wear. Like, hey, we’ve all worked hard not to wear suits.

[00:45:27] Syd Michael: So I wear a suit, but with a t-shirt and, and they said something to me, they were like, wait, man, what are you wearing a t-shirt for? I’m like, bro, I’m in Florida. You’re lucky I’m not wearing a tank top. Don Johnson did.

[00:45:41] Vanessa Roberts: Hey, so after folks sign up, you buy your ticket, the $99 to save your spot.

[00:45:45] Vanessa Roberts: There’s no further confirmation. If you’ve got a ticket, you’re good to go. Steve, just come on down. Yeah, come right? Yeah. If you have any questions, yeah, hit us up. Darcey can answer any questions. You can post in the Facebook group or send in a [00:46:00] support ticket and Darcey can help. Yeah,

[00:46:02] Syd Michael: awesome. All right.

[00:46:04] Syd Michael: All right. Thank.

[00:46:06] Vanessa Roberts: Thank you. Have a great one. See you guys. Yep. Bye.

RPS Training Course Live Training Sessions February 28, 2023 – Sales Training with Syd Michael & Tampa Update


Recovery Profit System Training Course Live Training Sessions 2023-02-28

Sales Training with Syd Michael & Tampa Update


(Raw transcription; not proofed for grammar or spelling.)

Click here for Google Doc of the transcript.

[00:00:00] Syd Michael: Hey, what’s happening everybody? Sorry about that. You know, I’ve been in Tampa for, for over a month, and, I get, I get home. I had to go to the doctor for a couple things this morning, and that’s, that was a complete and total nightmare. A whole nother story, dealing with insurance and stuff.

[00:00:19] Syd Michael: But, I, I’ve been working 30 minutes to get my desktop up and, and my mother’s cat puked on the keyboard. It was disgusting. But anyways, I’m on via phone, so I can’t see your questions, but I’ve got Darcey here with me to assist me on, on, answering, any of your questions. How’s everybody doing?

[00:00:43] Syd Michael: Good. Awesome. Gimme some hearts if, if you’re excited, if you’re on your phone, I can see you’re here. There we go. There we go. [00:01:00] Man, I tell you, I won’t mention the person’s name, but, it was pretty satisfying to see hit me over, end of the last week or over the weekend. He said, man, do you know I’ve already made six figures with, RPS?

[00:01:15] Syd Michael: I went, that’s awesome, man. You know what I mean? That’s a, that’s that’s what we’re here for, working our butts off. . okay, good. well let, let’s just talk, let’s just talk about a little bit about the sales process. I kind of rant on Mondays about this. I know y’all aren’t on the field agent calls, but, you know, I wanna talk a a little bit about, you know, when you’re speaking to somebody, right?

[00:01:43] Syd Michael: Realize like you’re going in. You’re going in with all the guns, all the cannons, all the explosive you got seal team 6, 5, 4, and three, all at your disposal. Like it’s [00:02:00] literally apples and oranges against anybody we’re competing with because nobody is doing exactly what we’re doing. Not, I mean, I haven’t ran across many competitors that do it.

[00:02:11] Syd Michael: If they do, they’re doing it at such a slow rate or a, or a, low volume. That, you know, it’s, you know, they’re not coming up on my radar. Realize the majority, and I’ve talked about this a bunch over the last month because I want everybody to know, the majority of ERTC submission companies out there right now are doing loss and revenue only, loss and revenue only, and that’s a very watered down.

[00:02:40] Syd Michael: Right, and the biggest issue with that is, is that, you know, I hope we never have one of these problems again. It was a horrible thing that happened and, and I hope we never, you know, have another pandemic like this ever again. Even though ERTC has been good for all of us, you know, I good riddens when it’s [00:03:00] gone, right?

[00:03:00] Syd Michael: I hope we never have to go through something like this again, but for. To file somebody’s ERTC claim and to to amend their 941 s on a water down submission is no different than being a liar or a thief if you ask me because they know that they should qualify for more money. They’re just not doing it.

[00:03:20] Syd Michael: They’re just scream, scraping the cream off the top, probably charging a low percentage fee, 10%, 15%. And, and, and getting them literally like a fifth, if not a fourth or a fifth. I’ve even seen it more than less than that of what they actually are, are credited for. Now, I’m not saying go out and, and actually, you know, I, we call it power book the deals.

[00:03:46] Syd Michael: That’s a car term. So I know y’all don’t know what is that, but I’m not saying go out and push the envelope. I’m not saying go out and us double. I’m not saying us go out and, and massage the numbers. I’m talking about just getting them [00:04:00] a proper claim to what they deserve, what they earned for, doing the right thing at the wrong, at a bad time.

[00:04:09] Syd Michael: You know, the majority of businesses and a lot of businesses out there just fired the whole floor, closed the office. Now these people maintained employees during a horrific pandemic ho, hopeful. The last and the worst of our lifetimes, they earned these credits, so to give them a, a less than what they’re expected or less than what they deserve.

[00:04:35] Syd Michael: I don’t know how people live with themselves,

[00:04:41] Syd Michael: honestly. Yep. Hang on a second. Yes. Via phone.

[00:04:56] Syd Michael: Sorry, I gotta answer real quick. Communicating, [00:05:00] communicating. Brian is making sure we’re up and running. Good. All right. But everybody understand what I’m saying? Everybody with me on that? Gimme a Roger That, if you understand exactly what I’m saying because it, it drives me bonkers. I know I’ve talked a little bit about it over the last month, but it drives me bonkers.

[00:05:16] Syd Michael: So when you’re talking with. Right. When you’re actually working with somebody and they tell you something like, oh, well, Che says they’ll do it for 10%, understand what they’re saying instead of freaking out. Like I’ve seen, you know, a lot of people do . Oh no, they’re 10%. How am I supposed to close? Well, you’re talking apples and oranges.

[00:05:38] Syd Michael: Like, don’t let them do that to themselves. Explain it to ’em. Educate ’em, tell ’em the. Never hide from it. Leverage it every single time. Every rule of thumb that I’ve taught y’all since day one for the past 12 months still stands true to today. Never hide from the truth. Leverage it. [00:06:00] Go. Well. Let me explain to you what you’re getting for 10%.

[00:06:04] Syd Michael: You’re getting a loss in revenue only over six quarters. And let me guess, you probably lost revenue right after in, in the second quarter of 2020. Yeah, we lost revenue. Everybody did. The whole world stopped, and you might have lost a little bit of revenue in the first quarter of 2021 coming out of Christmas.

[00:06:21] Syd Michael: Yeah, well that tends to be the one we did well. And so you’re only gonna qualify for two quarters yet, yet. There was a government mandated shutdown in quarter three of 2020 and quarter four of 2020. In most cities and towns, that alone tells you they’re gonna get 50% of the credit that they actually deserved by using a CPA calculations where we can do loss in revenue also.

[00:06:50] Syd Michael: But in addition to that, by also using our legal team. That allows us to go in and look and see where there was mandated shutdowns, see where there was [00:07:00] supply chain issues. See where there were social distancing and, and countless other reasons that they could qualify. We’re able to qualify ’em for many more quarters.

[00:07:11] Syd Michael: Here’s what’s happening. Some of these companies, they’re shopping. They’re out there finding out what their credit amount is with a 10% company, and they’re told 50,000, and then they’re out, and then they wait for our credit to come back and it comes back 920,000, and they freak out. Whoa. All of a sudden you went from being their best friend to, what are you doing wrong?

[00:07:37] Syd Michael: Why are you, why is it so much more? Because you didn’t educate them as. Nobody should freak out. They should be expecting it. They should know that it’s gonna be more. You should already have educated them to let them know that we do full complex E r T submissions. If you don’t educate your customer, if you do neglect your customer, they’re gonna be [00:08:00] surprised and freaked out.

[00:08:01] Syd Michael: We have a case right now with those exact numbers where now the people are trying to cancel. They’re trying to revoke the. Because it freaked them out cause they got $920,000.

[00:08:16] Syd Michael: They start throwing around words like scam. You know there’s gotta be something wrong with this. Like, cuz they don’t believe it. Also, a lot of them are not prepared. Think about it. They’re already prepared. They’re thinking, okay, I’m gonna pay upfront. 18%. 18% of 50 grands, 9,000. I got that in the bank. I’m good.

[00:08:35] Syd Michael: But they’re not. To pay 150,000. When they find out the upfront of the $920,000 rebate, even though it makes sense, they’re not prepared to do it. So then they get locked into that, that scarcity mindset that, oh no, I’m gonna have to do the contingency at 30% of $920,000. They’ll almost burned the house down before they have to pay the [00:09:00] 30%.

[00:09:02] Syd Michael: Does that make sense? Let me know if you’re, if you’re keeping up with me on this,

[00:09:09] Syd Michael: Darcey, if you could pitch in a little bit and let me know what they’re saying. Cause I’m not able to see the question or their responses. Yep.

[00:09:15] Darcey Hall: We’re getting lots of Roger That loud and clear

[00:09:19] Syd Michael: they mentality. Yep. So how do you combat this? You combat this by properly educating, properly, getting in their.

[00:09:33] Syd Michael: Properly establishing a relationship with your client. I know some people are doing cold email and, and they, they got a system where they’re not able to do this. But let me tell you something, the people that can, you’re full not to you, should be right there in their pocket this entire time. Educate them on what the process is.

[00:09:54] Syd Michael: Let them know what to expect. Do a proper cool down transfer for when e, when, when our AE is [00:10:00] call. To where it’s really simple. Everybody that’s doing that is crushing it. Just so you know, you can take a little bit more backseat model approach. I’m not telling You can’t, you’ll, you’ll still have success, just not as potent success.

[00:10:17] Syd Michael: But if you really wanna give yourself the best advantage possible, listen to what I’m telling. Listen to where I’m taking you here because this is the truth. This is, this is how, this is how you don’t have people freaking out. You don’t have, you don’t have people going and, and you know, I mean it’s, you know, we’re all like conscious shoppers, right?

[00:10:39] Syd Michael: I mean, if, if, if they see their 10%, our 10% competitor as equal to us, who wouldn’t save eight, 8%, they’re fools not to save 8%. If they see it as, Well, guess whose job it is to show them the difference, to let them know it’s not equal. Yours, [00:11:00] it’s yours. And if you have trouble with it, book a call with me and I’ll do it for you.

[00:11:05] Syd Michael: But you’ve got to educate these customers on exactly what they’re receiving, especially these big deals, these 900 plus thousands, these million dollar deals, $2 million deals. Can you imagine how much money is left on the. How much money they’re getting screwed out of because they’re naturally programmed to take the best price.

[00:11:28] Syd Michael: You can’t blame them for wanting to do the 10%. It’s 8% less than what the AC fees are.

[00:11:36] Syd Michael: The fault is because you haven’t educated them properly. You with me on that? Let me know. Everybody’s keeping up with me. If you have any questions on what I’m. Darcey let me know. And I’d love to answer ’em cuz I want everybody to be on the same page with this because as we move, as we move forward, you know, there’s, there’s definitely more competition popping up.[00:12:00]

[00:12:00] Syd Michael: But when it comes to side by side comparison, they really don’t compete in, in any facet whatsoever. Not in one part. Do they? Do they?

[00:12:11] Darcey Hall: Yeah, we’re gonna Roger That. Keep going. Got it. Roger That. Roger That. Right on. Makes perfect sense.

[00:12:18] Syd Michael: Okay. All right. Good. I feel better. I feel good that, and I know most of y’all, y’all get this, I just wanted to reiterate it because it’s so important, right?

[00:12:29] Syd Michael: So when, when you’re talking with the customer, when you’re talking with the client, and I’m just gonna assume whether you’re doing this email, I’m gonna say belly to belly or over the phone, like I do a lot of, right. You need to let them. that we do complex submissions, let them go ahead and prepare them.

[00:12:44] Syd Michael: That’s that we’re able to qualify them for additional quarters that they normally wouldn’t qualify with anybody else, especially their bank. I don’t know if y’all heard Wells Fargo’s in the game now, right? Biggest crooks in America. Don’t even get me started on it. Ugh. [00:13:00] Anyways, Wells Fargo’s in the game now, right?

[00:13:03] Syd Michael: They’re out there doing loss and revenue. Submissions. They, they, they love their clients so much that they’re out there screwing every one of them doing loss of revenue. ERTC claims. That’s how much they appreciate you. First off, they don’t want you to come in and meet a a, a teller anymore. They’d rather you do your deposits outside at the atm.

[00:13:24] Syd Michael: They don’t really wanna have to have any physical interaction with you. They’ll ask you to open an account if you go in there and try to cash another check from another bank, but they don’t really want to know you. They want you to make your deposits outside or actually you through their phone app. So that way they don’t have to spend any money on people to do it.

[00:13:39] Syd Michael: And then they love you so much. They’re gonna actually do a loss of revenue in A ERTC claim submission for you and only charge you 10% is they screw you out of half the money. You really actually do maybe more. Thank you. Wells Fargo, I appreciate you. Can I open another account? Let me trust you with my, my investment banking too.[00:14:00]

[00:14:00] Syd Michael: Pass I’m out. Who in the hell would right? Get offended. I would be offended. I am offended. It’s a complete and total joke, what they’re doing to people. It’s absurd. It’s the result of pure greed. It might sound greedy to me saying I want to get ’em the most in return. It’s greedy to them to willing to take a fee as they’re cutting them short, they’re cutting their legs off.

[00:14:28] Syd Michael: They care about their businesses so much. They’re sitting there giving ’em a $50,000 credit when they’re due $390,000. Thank you. Can I have another pass? As they jamming you with $35 overdraft so they can pull out your most maximum withdrawal first before your last one, so they can get as many $35 overdrafts as possible as your deposit goes in at 5:00 AM and your, your withdrawals come out at 1:00 AM What a bunch of fricking crooks.

[00:14:56] Syd Michael: I’m out. I’m out. You’re gonna [00:15:00] compare me to them. There is no comparison. Not with integrity and not with performance, and definitely not with service. So anyways, I don’t mean to rant, but you know, it is. It is what it is, right?

[00:15:16] Darcey Hall: rant on Syd . Everybody’s loving it.

[00:15:19] Syd Michael: Mark Sullivan says It’s true though.

[00:15:21] Syd Michael: It’s so true, right? And so when somebody says, well, we’re thinking about going with Wells Fargo, you should get fricking excited. You should come out of your chair, you’re so excited they said that because let me tell you what you’re thinking about doing. Let me just explain to you exactly what you’re actually considering right now.

[00:15:42] Syd Michael: Right. You can tell them a hundred ways from Sunday why that’s the worst, worst decision they ever made. And listen, in the end, if they still chose to go with Wells Fargo, if they didn’t see value for whatever reason and what you offered, at least then, you know, you did everything you [00:16:00] could to try and help them as much as you could.

[00:16:01] Syd Michael: And you’ll go to bed well at night and, and, and obviously they’re missing a screw or something’s wrong. that they wouldn’t go with you. There’s nobody in their right mind that would consider going with us, given the full explanation. But given just a partial explanation, they’re a fool to go with us because all it appears to them is that we’re 8% more, but justify why we’re 8% more.

[00:16:28] Syd Michael: Fair enough. So let me know if anybody had any objections this week. I want to help you overcome ’em and, Darcey, if you see any, objection questions. Sure. Before you could read ’em out.

[00:16:45] Darcey Hall: Before we go on here, I just wanna, backtrack to Mark Marquis said a question, her comment, he said it would be nice to see some examples how of, how the CPAs go deeper.

[00:16:59] Darcey Hall: Is it just [00:17:00] experience or something else?

[00:17:02] Syd Michael: No, it’s Marcus, by the way, even though it looks like marquee. I, I called it Marques forever, but it’s Marcus, just so you know. Marcus. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. That’s cool. It’s spelled that way. anyways, but, well, so example is mandated government shutdowns.

[00:17:19] Syd Michael: That’s the easiest one. Realize when, when, when Paychex or, or Wells Fargo, or, you know, bottom line, any of those other competitors. Th they’re only looking. Loss in revenue, so they’re not, they’re not qualifying them. In the quarters that there was a mandated shutdown, which we all know that all through 2020 there was mandated shutdowns, right?

[00:17:45] Syd Michael: The economy recovered in quarter three of 2020. In fact, it was epic. I don’t know if anybody was in the stock market, but I made a killing on options that quarter, right up until September 2nd. Then it was a bloodbath, but anyways, it made a heck of a recovery. . [00:18:00] So you know, they made more revenue, especially a lot of these H V A C companies or any sort of service industry.

[00:18:05] Syd Michael: Everybody got their stimuluses and started spending money on fixing stuff, right? But if they were mandated to shut down, they can still qualify for that quarter. And if we do an opinion letter, an official opinion letter, where we, you know, for supply chain shortage, they could qualify for all six quarter.

[00:18:24] Syd Michael: That’s massive. Understand that a lot of these big submissions, even the ones that are millions of dollars, are only of getting approved for one, two, sometimes three quarters. So the value of missing a quarter are two quarters, or god forbid three quarters can be astronomically.

[00:18:48] Syd Michael: And totally justifiably to, to get to, to, to pay for double, you know, to get double the, the credit. Right.

[00:18:59] Syd Michael: What [00:19:00] else have a

[00:19:02] Darcey Hall: question from Michael? Objection. My CPA already did that ERC as we had all losses. As we had losses all quarters,

[00:19:13] Syd Michael: your CPA did it. Exactly. And, and all you’re getting is a CPA calculation. Again, you’re, you’re cutting yourself short, you’ve left money all over the table. There’s additional quarters that you could qualify for with the, with, actually having, you know, the mandated government shut down.

[00:19:32] Syd Michael: And as assuming, unless you’re saying you had a loss in revenue all six quarters, well then you can’t really compete. I’ve not, I’ve yet to see out of every deal I’ve dealt with over a thousand deals already. I’ve yet to see one company have all six quarters revenue loss.

[00:19:55] Syd Michael: Someone ask,

[00:19:55] Darcey Hall: does the prospect have to pay for the opinion letter? [00:20:00]

[00:20:01] Syd Michael: They do pay for the opinion letter, but it comes out of their fee.

[00:20:08] Syd Michael: why

[00:20:08] Darcey Hall: did a security company, wait, why did a security company could not be included in the mandatory shutdown category?

[00:20:18] Syd Michael: Why could a security company not be, I don’t understand what you’re a, they’re asking did they have a security company that didn’t qualify for that reason?

[00:20:31] Darcey Hall: That’s what a appears to be.

[00:20:34] Syd Michael: The only reason why they wouldn’t approve is there wasn’t a mandated shutdown, which, I mean, just to give you an idea, for instance, like in Nashville, everything was mandated government shutdown, but Tennessee wasn’t.

[00:20:48] Syd Michael: I promise you a CPA’s not gonna do the research and figure that out. An attorney will.[00:21:00]

[00:21:00] Darcey Hall: So you’re Michael following up. Oh, for the Michael’s CPA already did. The ERC said that is exactly what they said. Losses all six quarters.

[00:21:11] Syd Michael: Well, next , you know, you can’t get every deal, you know,

[00:21:18] Darcey Hall: low as on opinion letter. One more time. They don’t pay the upfront fee anymore. It does in fact come out of refund.

[00:21:27] Syd Michael: Question mark. They do pay for the, opinion letter. They’re $2,500, unless this automotive is five grand. They do pay for it up front, and then the fee comes out of the, or the price of the opinion letter comes out of the fee because the way it’s been done on everyone I’ve done.

[00:21:50] Syd Michael: And they’re supposed to pay for it up upfront. However, I mean, just shooting you straight, I’ve done two or three opinion letters and I didn’t charge ’em upfront, but it is what it is. I wasn’t, you know, I didn’t say [00:22:00] nothing. I just kept moving with the process.

[00:22:07] Syd Michael: All we have

[00:22:07] Darcey Hall: for the questions right now or objections,

[00:22:19] Syd Michael: Read me any one of them? What was that? Read me any of the objections.

[00:22:25] Darcey Hall: Oh, that, that’s, I’ve read you all the questions we have, so, okay. Sorry. Yeah. In the interim, I wanna point out the ERTC Express Agent Mastermind coming up March 9th and 10th. We only have

[00:22:39] Syd Michael: about, did we move it ninth and 10th? Because originally we said it was eighth and ninth.

[00:22:43] Syd Michael: Yes,

[00:22:44] Darcey Hall: yes, Nicole. It was announced in the Facebook group and emails have gone out. It. Yeah, it, it moved to the ninth to 10th by popular request cuz of the budding up to the weekend. It made it easier for Bob.

[00:22:57] Syd Michael: Thank, thank God. Cause I saw somebody bought their tickets for the [00:23:00] eighth, ninth, and 10th and I thought, oh geez.

[00:23:02] Darcey Hall: Oh, and Brian did say that if they did already then and there’s a change fee issue, then the then to put in a ticket, support ticket, But we are excited and we only have, I think about nine seats left. Okay. And the, some of the hotel blocks, there’s a lot of events going on in Tampa, so hotels are filling up.

[00:23:31] Darcey Hall: We did have a few room blocks that we’ve, but they. Only can hold them for a certain time and believe the Hyatt released the, the any additional seats last night. And the Hotel Alba, it’s nice. It’s the closest hotel. It’s ni really nice. They’ve given us a good discount. They’re extending the discount, but keep an eye, everybody should have received emails regarding, [00:24:00] the details as well as it is in the Facebook.

[00:24:04] Syd Michael: It’s called the Alba. I’ve not stayed there.

[00:24:07] Darcey Hall: Hotel Alba. It’s a Hilton Tapestry Collectionby Hilton.

[00:24:12] Syd Michael: Oh. I stay at the, I stay at the Hampton Inn, which is like four miles from the office. Dude, It’s a little bit older, but I love that place. The squirrels are n sweet at the pool. They come up and hang out with you, and if you take little, little treats out there, they’ll eat, eat with you and.

[00:24:29] Syd Michael: Yeah. When you, when you live in a hotel by yourself, they, they become quite, quite great friends, you have names for them, Syd? Yeah. I’ve already named them all.

[00:24:45] Darcey Hall: All righty. Let’s see. We’ve got some questions coming in now we have Okay. For, I think one of the objections is “It seems too good to be.”

[00:24:56] Syd Michael: I totally agree. I thought the same thing when I first saw it. However, it’s very true. Let, let me explain to you, cuz I don’t want you to get involved in anything that you would feel uncomfortable, but when I show you what it is, you’re gonna feel very comfortable.

[00:25:07] Syd Michael: You got a few minutes, it’s gonna be the most valuable five minutes you spend all week, all month, all year for me to go ahead and show you what it is. Great. Let’s get started. Are you sitting in front of a. No problem. Right. Let me explain to you what the ERTC is. They came out with the ERTC with the CARES Act back in 2020.

[00:25:28] Syd Michael: At the beginning of 2020. It was, it actually came out before the PPP. You remember the PPP? Yes. Okay, great. Well, you actually had to choose one or the other, and fortunately to all CPAs. Si relief when they saw the PPP come out, cuz everybody chose the PPP because it was way simpler. However, when the American Recovery Plan came out in March, may of 2021, they said, did you we’re gonna offer the ERTC in addition to the PPP.

[00:25:55] Syd Michael: So what I’m telling you is you left money on the table. So that’s where it sounds too good [00:26:00] to be true, but it’s very true, and we are gonna get that money off the table for you. That’s why you wanna talk with somebody like myself who specialized in doing this. We’ve done over thousand claim submissions.

[00:26:09] Syd Michael: We are, one of the top submission companies in the country. We do do complex emissions, not just income loss emissions. Don’t let somebody rip you off and do just an income loss submission because you definitely are probably qualified for many more quarters than that is, and, and I hope this never happens again.

[00:26:28] Syd Michael: I hope we never have to deal with this, but now that it’s happened instead of. The only thing we ever hear from the IRS is they’re raising taxes. This is one chance we got where they’re actually giving us money back. In fact, it’s money that you don’t even have to pay back. So let’s maximize your opportunity given the the predicament that we’re in and, and move forward.

[00:26:49] Syd Michael: Welcome through it. Start explaining build, build value in the whole process. Understand we’re gonna upload your, information today. Even if you got the PPP, you are gonna need a 3508 Forgiveness, so go ahead and be looking for that. Right. Even if you did receive the PPP, there is money left on the table.

[00:27:08] Syd Michael: We’re gonna do the ERC submission. Here’s the good news and I wanna be completely transparent with you. We’re gonna upload a few docs today with me on the phone with you, and we’re gonna send you over work order agreement. You do have to sign the work order agreement in order for to do the work. And you don’t, you’re not gonna owe us any money until you know exactly what the credit is.

[00:27:25] Syd Michael: But once you get that credit, you’re gonna be, make a fully educated decision on which way you wanna pay for it. Let me be transparent with you and go ahead and tell you what the fees are on the work order agreement. That way there’s no surprise to it. If you ever worked with a personal injury attorney, or if you’ve heard all of these commercials online, Morgan and Morgan, where they take a full contingency, you win.

[00:27:43] Syd Michael: We win. We all win. Only win if you win. Well, we offer the same thing. However, we’re not as expensive as these attorneys that charge 35 and 40%. We’re only 30%. The good news is we are one of the only ERTC companies in the country right now. They’re offering a true contingency. Now, if you wanna save a significant [00:28:00] amount of money, you might choose to put down a small deposit only.

[00:28:02] Syd Michael: After you find out your credit calculation from us, you might choose to put down a small deposit, and then your fee drops significantly all the way down to 25%. Now, We’ve seen credits from 20,000 up to $3 million, and, and with percentages mean tens of thousands of dollars. When you start talking about large credit amounts like three.

[00:28:22] Syd Michael: And I don’t know where you’re gonna fall, but considering that you might fall higher like that, you might choose to be like 31% of our clients. And that’s the pay upfront, which is 18%. Here’s the best news. You don’t have to choose any of these fees right now. Today you’re, we’re gonna figure out this credit calculation for you right now and, and once we get it back to you, once you know exactly what’s on the table, how much you left on the table and what’s at stake, then you can make the decision on which one of the three payment options you want to go.

[00:28:48] Syd Michael: Today all we need to do is get you uploaded and started. That way we can get you in front of the line instead of the end of the line. E RTC submissions are so popular right now. They’re, you know, they’re, they’re, the IRS is telling us to tell people between six and [00:29:00] nine months. I’m gonna tell you privately, we’re seeing ’em come in as quick as 18 weeks, however, We are talking about the I, what the IRS is gonna do.

[00:29:08] Syd Michael: I can’t quote you 18 weeks because sure enough they will take six to nine months. I don’t wanna be one to mislead you like that, but I am gonna let you know that they are average in about 18 weeks right now. It could take twice, if not three times as long as we take two or three weeks, upload your document.

[00:29:22] Syd Michael: So it’s important that we get this all handled in the next 24 hours. Fair enough? Great. Let’s keep moving forward. I need you to upload your, you know, 35 0 8. I need you to sign, you know, upload your payroll journal. I need you to upload, W three, you know, go through the docs with ’em, get the docs uploaded, get ’em started.

[00:29:39] Syd Michael: Let ’em know the only thing that slows us. Well, how long is this gonna take? I’m glad you asked that. Here, let me tell you what, it shouldn’t take more than four to five weeks to calculate, a lot of times, a lot faster, but that’s on average. The only reason why it takes sometimes way longer than that is if you.

[00:29:56] Syd Michael: Slow down on uploading your docs. Some people get stuck, so [00:30:00] therefore I want, I want to give you my number. My, my cell phone number is five five five one two one two. I want you to know that if you have any questions or have any concern or run into any problems, you can always reach out to me and I’ll walk you through it.

[00:30:14] Syd Michael: You’re never left alone. If you’re like me, I know you’re gonna think of three or four questions that you wanted to ask today on the phone after we get off the phone. Feel free to call me right back and let’s answer those questions for you. I don’t want you to ever feel that you’re not supported through this entire process, and that’s what I’m here for.

[00:30:30] Syd Michael: Boom, walk ’em through white glove them and it goes easy, easy, easy. The only deals we’ve had any issues with are deals that are neglected, period. If you assist your customers the way I just told you word for word, how to do it, you will make Mad, Mad Bank G.

[00:30:55] Syd Michael: Did I start talking too fast or did I leave anybody or with mail? I’m

[00:30:59] Darcey Hall: actually typing into the [00:31:00] chat to put the replay to re-listen to your word tracks are on recovery profit system com slash the live calls. That was fast. You’re on a mission.

[00:31:13] Syd Michael: I’ve done it a thousand times , and I’m doing it every day.

[00:31:18] Syd Michael: Constant.

[00:31:19] Darcey Hall: That’s why you’re an expert at it, right? You don’t have an expert doing it once, twice, or three times. Let’s see here.

[00:31:25] Nicole Heard: Hey, Syd.

[00:31:29] Syd Michael: Hey Nicole. What’s up?

[00:31:31] Nicole Heard: I just saw a question. I just wanted to jump in real quick and answer. Ms. Anne, she said she had a client that looked up the IRS page, and according to them, it says she didn’t qualify.

[00:31:43] Syd Michael: Yeah. the IRS doesn’t qualify you. You have to go to a CPA to know if you’re qualified or not. just because she saw some contingencies on the IRS page that she feels like she didn’t meet. does not mean she doesn’t qualify. They don’t qualify you. They just make sure that the [00:32:00] documentation that they get from the CPA matches what they filed.

[00:32:04] Syd Michael: Correct. The previous year. Absolutely correct. Is that Ann Powell Hansen? Yes. Yes. Yeah. You coming to see me? next month? Ann

[00:32:15] Darcey Hall: Anne’s coming in.

[00:32:18] Syd Michael: Oh, good. Good. Hey girl. Kristi’s coming too. Yep. Good. Two of my favorites. Right.

[00:32:28] Darcey Hall: Hey, a quick note again on the Mastermind, people have asked about the recordings or live stream. We are recording. I do not, cannot guarantee that we’ll have the capability up for the live streaming just in terms of, live, yeah, life happens of whether things, the connections work for the live streams or whatnot.

[00:32:48] Darcey Hall: We’ll try, but we are definitely recording and making those recordings available through the Eventbrite page, and I’ll drop link in the chat in just a moment.

[00:32:59] Syd Michael: Yep. [00:33:00] If you could make it, try and make it, it’ll be well worth, your travel efforts, I promise you that. Plus, it’s always nice to put a face with a name and a name with a face, and.

[00:33:12] Syd Michael: And, you know, we we’re gonna have a lot of fun over those two days and we’re gonna talk nothing but ERTC. We’re gonna get everybody bigger and better than they, than they were when they showed up. I promise you. That’s my guarantee. When you leave, you will be better than you were before you got there.

[00:33:27] Syd Michael: Fact, and if you have any clients that we need to talk to, I’ll jump on the phone with you right there. Live we’ll, we’ll, we’ll step out of the training center and, and we’ll, Like all our, our hundred percent goal there in those two days is the one get to know you way better. Two, train each and every one.

[00:33:44] Syd Michael: Yeah, a little bit better than you before you got there. And three, help you close deals. Put the narrow and Pac like that is, that was my hundred percent commitment to each and every one of you. So I’m excited to see you.[00:34:00]

[00:34:02] Darcey Hall: I have some more questions that have come in. There’s one here from Mark Sullivan. Clients tax preparer didn’t do 941 s, but only a yearly tax filing. So do we do the 941 s for them? How does this work? The client is stuck at this point, but everything else is done. Mm-hmm.

[00:34:19] Syd Michael: All right. I’m talking a little bit out of my range here, but let me try, so do they have a PEO payroll provider?

[00:34:27] Syd Michael: What do you mean? They didn’t prepare? Nine 40.

[00:34:38] Syd Michael: Still waiting for Mark to answer. Yep.

[00:34:41] Darcey Hall: And time got the, Fred got this objection. I spoke with my coworker and she said that we will hold off for now and we’ll get back to you if we decide to move forward later.

[00:34:53] Syd Michael: That’s a left-handed turn down.[00:35:00]

[00:35:00] Syd Michael: When somebody says something like that, say, say, no problem. I just wanna make sure that you’re, that you’re fully understanding of what you’re actually considering, you know? is there a way you can get your partner on the phone so we can talk about it right now? You know, you gotta be Colombo, right?

[00:35:18] Syd Michael: Well, what, what is it you’re looking to discover over the next week that we couldn’t discover now? , like, I don’t like to put people on the back burner. I like to take care of problems up front, so apologize for if I seem a little aggressive. I’m just wanting to answer any questions you have now, not ones that you may come up with later

[00:35:40] Syd Michael: realize, like in, in all honesty, like, let’s be truthful with ourselves, and that’s why I always tell you to put yourself in the customer’s shoes. If somebody said that to you, why, why would you say that to somebody? It’s only two reasons. One, what majority of people are doing, they’re making up shit and lying to you, to your face because they just, [00:36:00] they’ve decided before they even talk to you, they’re not buying whatever it is you’re selling.

[00:36:04] Syd Michael: Two, they, maybe you quote ’em the 18%. They remember seeing the email from Paychex for 10% and they’re wanting to see how far they can get with the 10% before they even talk to you. Your fault if you don’t discover that and explain to ’em that the difference between us and them, because you can’t blame them if you never tell them the big difference between us and them.

[00:36:29] Syd Michael: You can’t blame them for wanting to pay 8% less thinking they’re getting the same service. Who wouldn’t? Right? I mean, if you saw two baskets of oranges and one were $2 and one was a dollar, and they looked the same. Would anybody buy the $2 orange? Of course not. So it’s a hundred percent up to you to be the wolf and to explain to them exactly what they’re comparing.[00:37:00]

[00:37:06] Syd Michael: I wanna talk to my, business partner and we’ll get back with you. No problem. What’s your business partner waiting on? Let me help you with whatever they’re waiting on. Let me answer any questions you have on what you, what, what they’re, what they’re wanting to figure out before they move forward.

[00:37:21] Syd Michael: Because lemme tell you something, the only thing slower than, than a a check from the IRS is they’re updating their website. So if you’re basing your, your, ability to approve off of the IRS website, you, you’re costing yourself a lot of money. There’d be no reason to have specialized sum submission companies, so everybody could just go read the website and do it themselves.

[00:37:39] Syd Michael: Don’t you agree? Great. Let me, let me show you why we charge a fee and how we earn this fee every single day. In fact, we’ve earned it with over 12,000.

[00:37:53] Syd Michael: Everybody with me on that?[00:38:00]

[00:38:00] Darcey Hall: Waiting for the Yes. Yes. Moving on. Yep. Moving on to texting. Roger That. Yes.

[00:38:10] Syd Michael: Also, I mean, I just wanna publicly say this. We’ve see, we’ve had, you know, we talked about memes in the past and I’ve, you know, we’ve had a lot of people actually have success with these memes where they got ghosted and, you know, they thought maybe the people just moved on or, or submitted with somebody else or no longer was interested and they, they sent the meme and, and got a response and got the, their client back engaged.

[00:38:30] Syd Michael: People get busy. People get busy. You know, you, You gotta give ’em the benefit of the doubt. In reality, I want everybody to kind of, and I’m gonna talk slower here so everybody understand. In reality, like without a doubt, without a question, always put yourself in the customer’s shoes and think, if I saw what If I was them and saw what I’ve shown this far, would I make a decision?[00:39:00]

[00:39:00] Syd Michael: What would I be thinking? Why would I say what they. And if you really, really come at with, with true empathy and understand where they’re coming from, you’ll be able to discover what the real issue is. That’s why they say closers have two ears of one mouth. It’s not what you’re saying. It’s a hundred percent what they’re saying and you’re listening to.

[00:39:24] Syd Michael: And if you’re talking over ’em or if you’re talking at them, like so many people make a mistake and. You’re not going to hear those, that, that key word or that key statement that’s gonna totally expose their, their cards that they’re holding in their hand. You have to listen.

[00:39:47] Darcey Hall: Said, I’ve got an answer or update from Mark Sullivan regarding his tax prepared not doing the nine 40 ones. He’s. Nope, he doesn’t have a PEO. He said, this is my sub [00:40:00] agent’s client on the phone with her now.

[00:40:03] Syd Michael: Okay.

[00:40:07] Syd Michael: They just don’t have nine 40 ones. Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong there. Do they have employees?

[00:40:24] Darcey Hall: Wait for his response here. For, for Mark.

[00:40:27] Syd Michael: Yep. No problem. Let’s just keep moving. When he responds, we can help.

[00:40:31] Darcey Hall: He said, should I go to Slack channel for this? Yeah. It’s really weird. She’s saying she doesn’t have 941 s.

[00:40:41] Syd Michael: Yeah, just go to Slack cuz that’s not, something’s missing there. Something’s missing.

[00:40:46] Syd Michael: Or she doesn’t realize she have 941. Who, who’s, who’s her payroll with? Who’s she doing her payroll with? Quick.

[00:40:58] Syd Michael: Not sure. He says, [00:41:00] okay, well I would just take it, A slack star says

[00:41:03] Darcey Hall: I would be running away from the one that, the one without 941 s.

[00:41:06] Syd Michael: Well, yeah, I mean, you’ll run into that. I mean, not everybody, everybody assumes everybody files their taxes properly, but you know, that’s not, that’s not the case. That’s not the case.

[00:41:18] Syd Michael: There’s plenty of outlaws and bandits in this world.

[00:41:26] Syd Michael: Do you see any other objections we could go over or discuss?

[00:41:30] Darcey Hall: Taking a look here. I just wanna make a quick comment, Margaret, a as, can you please ma write that as a transcript, please? For all of us. The sales pitch spiel can be memorized better. I am actually working on the, put in the transcriptions up.

[00:41:43] Syd Michael: I, there’s already a transcription in the, in the Facebook group.

[00:41:54] Darcey Hall: Scrolling here. Question. From George, what percentage of deals do [00:42:00] we turn away or don’t qualify? Just to let people know we keep it black and white on the analysis.

[00:42:10] Syd Michael: Say that again.

[00:42:13] Darcey Hall: Question, what percentage of deals do we turn away or don’t qualify? Just to let people know we keep it black and white on the

[00:42:20] Syd Michael: analysis. I don’t know the exact percentage, but I wouldn’t talk about negative. Like when, when you’re pitching somebody or when you’re talking to somebody about the positives, are we selling who, whoever’s saying this, are we selling you on why you should start doing the rtc?

[00:42:37] Syd Michael: Or you have a client that wants to know the negatives? I’ll give you an example. Like if you’ll notice when I’m pitching or throwing the numbers, I say putting down a small deposit and then the and, and then the remainder fee of 25%. I don’t go into detail what the deposit. Deposits 5%. But why confuse the matter?

[00:42:57] Syd Michael: And it’s a negative statement. You [00:43:00] want, when you’re pitching somebody, you want it to be all smooth and creamy, right? You want your steak to have sizzle on it. You don’t wanna take the sizzle off of it. Why? Why even tell them how many people don’t qualify? You can say, not everybody qualifies, but there’s no reason to give them like a, an odds chance where they, they’ll make a decision.

[00:43:18] Syd Michael: I don’t wanna take the chance, and chances are I got a 30% chance I’m not qualifying anyway, so screw it. I’m not gonna ins, you know what I mean? I wouldn’t give that information anyway personally. Just keeping it real.

[00:43:39] Darcey Hall: Edwin asked if the client chose this simple submission 10% with a competitor and is working on getting that submitted, are we still able to show them what a more complete credit can be for them? When is too late to win over their

[00:43:53] Syd Michael: business after they’ve already amended their 941 s? But if they’ve not admitted their nine 40 ones yet, no, they [00:44:00] can totally.

[00:44:07] Syd Michael: Great. And we don’t, we don’t amend amends. That’s, that’s kind of where the rule is.

[00:44:18] Darcey Hall: Patricia asked, when we are ghosted, is it likely that they found out they haven’t been filing correctly?

[00:44:26] Syd Michael: that there’s a hundred different reasons you could be ghosted. There’s no way to guess why you’re being ghosted. but you never know what it is. That’s why you drop a couple memes and, and, and hopefully reengage them.

[00:44:41] Syd Michael: You got nothing to lose, but to try and guess or to, you know, to, to overthink and wonder why you, you’ll drive yourself crazy. I wouldn’t even do that. I would just have a standard protocol. If somebody doesn’t call me back, I drop.[00:45:00]

[00:45:03] Syd Michael: The mind’s a powerful thing and if you let it go one way or the other, it can talk you into a lot of good stuff and it can talk you out of a lot of great stuff. . So try and control it. Oh,

[00:45:15] Darcey Hall: laughing. I missed Doug’s comment earlier. It said sick. Could be water boarded and still say the spiel perfectly.

[00:45:23] Darcey Hall: Hello? Well,

[00:45:25] Syd Michael: Right.

[00:45:31] Darcey Hall: Sierra, what other questions do we have? Everybody? Okay. don’t, oh, somebody says, I don’t know what a meme is. How do I drop a meme?

[00:45:41] Syd Michael: A meme is like a, an image. for instance, like one of the memes I remember just off the top of my head was a, it was a skeleton sitting on a park. They said, Hey, I’ll just sit here and wait until you call me back.

[00:45:57] Syd Michael: You know, it’s kinda humorous. [00:46:00] Another one had a, a dolphin on it and it said, are you avoiding me on purpose? You know, using, what is that called when, when you puns? You know, it was a pun. . But it’s funny because when you send a meme like that, somebody who realizes, man, I’ve been meaning to call him back.

[00:46:17] Syd Michael: I’ve been meaning to call em back. I know I need to call em back. And I just got busy. You know, life happens, you know what I mean? And when they see that, they kind, they, they’ll chuckle and, and text you back, dude, I know I need to call you. My bad, I got, you know, in Paris for two weeks. I’ll call you tomorrow.

[00:46:34] Syd Michael: I mean, that’s, that’s, that’s when the meme works. and you got nothing to lose. I mean, you’re not being offensive with a meme. It’s it’s just, you know, they know they haven’t called you back when they said they call you back tomorrow and they haven’t called you back in three weeks and you send ’em a picture of a skeleton dying on a bench, waiting on ’em.

[00:46:56] Syd Michael: You know, who wouldn’t laugh about that? You’re like, dude, that’s exactly what I [00:47:00] did to you. People are real. You know what I mean? Anybody who, anybody who treats you. Is not coming from a, a position of, of honesty. Right? And so who cares Anyway, anybody who’s honest and, and, and reality and real. Yeah, I think I told y’all when I, when I spent, a week in, new Orleans right of about a year and a half ago, and I talked with everybody from, from homeless to on the street to, I stayed at the Waldorf Astoria to wealthy people.

[00:47:33] Syd Michael: And, and one thing I realized no matter who they were, No matter what they believe, what political side they were on, anything. Every single person I talked to all wanted the same thing. They all wanted love, they all wanted family, and they all wanted friends. They all want to take care of, you know, their kids.

[00:47:56] Syd Michael: Customers are the same way, they’re gonna react [00:48:00] the same way you would. People love to laugh. Anybody, you know, we create these monsters in our heads, you know, that are gonna get, offend, offended for, for, you know, no reason when you’re not attending on offending them. Well, anybody who does is coming from a place of dishonesty, and you wanna cut them outta your life and world as fast as possible.

[00:48:24] Syd Michael: Who wants to do business? Who wants to get somebody back a nice credit that’s a jerk or unappreciative, right? Let ’em know you’re real. When, when, when you create that real relationship with somebody, when you get into their bubble with, with, and you could be yourself and, and they could be themselves and you talk about anything other than business for a second when you can get ’em to talk about their kid or their cat or their dog or their, or their baseball team or whatever.

[00:48:51] Syd Michael: That’s, that’s when you know you, you’ve created a friendship and you know, I can’t stress enough anybody who’s thinking doing [00:49:00] ERTC and then being gone is a fool because this is the greatest door opener I’ve ever seen in business up until this point. You will be their number one vendor from here on out, and if you don’t sell them something else, you’re screwing up.

[00:49:16] Syd Michael: So establish the relationship accordingly. And again, if they get offended, then they’re not coming from a position of, of honesty anyway, because there’s nothing to get offended over. Make sense?

[00:49:39] Syd Michael: Cool. Any more questions, Darcey? Or you see anything else where,

[00:49:44] Darcey Hall: where do you find memes?

[00:49:47] Syd Michael: I’ve put a bunch of ’em in the Facebook group, but, you know, I look, I, where I found most of ’em was in other sales, like sales groups, you know, but, you know, [00:50:00] Google, Google’s a, Google’s your friend potentially trying to Google, or you can download a meme at MEME app and create your own.

[00:50:09] Syd Michael: but if you look in our Facebook group, I dropped several of them for everybody to use in.

[00:50:20] Syd Michael: They’re just highly effective because they’re more than just texts. They have an image which creates emotion. And what do people buy on emotion? They react off of emotion.

[00:50:36] Syd Michael: Only a true psychopath narcissist would, would make moves without zero emotion. Most humans are emotional. We just are.

[00:50:58] Syd Michael: We see anything else? [00:51:00]

[00:51:00] Darcey Hall: Doug says, Giphy is a, Giphy is a great resource. GIF

[00:51:08] Syd Michael: let me think of

[00:51:09] Darcey Hall: says you can create a meme on

[00:51:11] Syd Michael: Canva. Yeah, Canva’s a good one. I’ve got Canva. I use, meme maker. I use, meme maker’s, the one I use the most.

[00:51:25] Syd Michael: I’ll try, I’ll try and make a few, tonight when I’m sitting in a hotel room or whatever, and, and drop ’em in the group if I have, if I get time.

[00:51:41] Syd Michael: All righty.

[00:51:42] Darcey Hall: I’m not seeing any other questions coming in. Did I miss anybody’s,

[00:51:49] Syd Michael: go back through. All right, cool. Well, hopefully you got value out of this. I’m, I know, you know, I know with a lot of you, sales is not teaching, I’m not teaching anything about sales. I’m not trying [00:52:00] to teach anybody anything about sales.

[00:52:01] Syd Michael: I know a lot of it’s just remind. We’re all intelligent, critical, thanking people like, you know, but to be reminded and to stay fresh and, and, and to, you know, keep the pace every week is why I show up every single Tuesday to help y’all. And I hope, everybody got value from this. And let’s, let’s rock and roll.

[00:52:20] Syd Michael: I’ll see y’all next time.

[00:52:24] Darcey Hall: Thank you. And yeah, Donna says, fantastic call. Thanks team more. Great script. Great. And lots of y’all rock. Thank you. Thank you, Syd and Darcey. Thank you. Awesome. Oh, and Alice, do you need to bring a laptop to the event? Personally, I always travel with a laptop . There’s being able to create and share and grab what you need, that’s not required, but,

[00:52:53] Syd Michael: Yeah, laptop.

[00:52:54] Syd Michael: I personally like to take handwritten notes cause I doodle a little bit, but if you take notes on the laptop, [00:53:00] that’s always good. You know, it’s not required, you know, you can just come as you are. I promise you. Just being around everybody and, and, and me and, and Brian for the two days, you’re gonna get massive value out of it no matter what.

[00:53:15] Syd Michael: And I’m super excited to meet everybody, so,

[00:53:18] Darcey Hall: absolutely. Absolutely.

[00:53:20] Syd Michael: All right. All right, cool. Thank you so much. I’ll see y’all. See you everybody. Thank you, Syd.

[00:53:27] Darcey Hall: Thanks, Nicole. Thanks. Bye you guys. Bye.